((13)) The Different Kinds

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A/N: Here's the next chapter full of action and new info for you all ;) Just remember the Nervola beings can regenerate, it wasn't something I've majorly highlighted before but it's coming up in this chapter!

[Disclaimer] I do not own KnB characters. Plot is all mine of this.


                                              ((13)) The Different Kinds

The GoM couldn't help but feel relieved with Kuroko there with them, offering the utmost support and guidance along the way toward their goal.

They had to go through a district to get to the Ueno section of Tokyo, and they moved quietly. Kuroko somewhat spanned beside them, moving so soundlessly that every once in a while they had to look over to see if he was still there with them.

It was bitter cold, but they were able to tough it out and keep moving forward. The dimension's withering effect caused the vehicles broken down on the road to become nothing more than large fossils in their way.

They were now on a road leading past tall office-like buildings that would lead them toward Ueno, or according to the map Midorima had anyway.

"Akashi-kun, stop!" Kuroko alerted the leader suddenly who stopped instantly before turning around the corner of a building. Kuroko was on a ledge above them and had seen them before the others.

But they all heard the growls and stopped dead in their tracks. Around the corner were five mutated dogs of different sizes and breeds. Their stench was potent in the air and caused the teens to gag a bit. The sight was horrible to see, with the dogs having twisted-up features and mangled fur of harsh quality.

Akashi made a signal for them to go around and find a different route, but then the nearest mutation creature picked up on their scent and could hear their loud heartbeats.

"The AniNervos are already aware of our presence." Kuroko stated as he watched the one let out a mangled barking noise to alert the others like it.

"Ani—what?" Aomine asked loudly, and suddenly the viscous dogs were running toward them.

"Atsushi, stun them!" Akashi ordered and Murasakibara stepped ahead of the group to throw the small bombs that instantly went off in front of the pack of creatures.

"Aka-chin, it didn't work as much..." Murasakibara said as a few were able to shake off the stunning light to keep charging for them.

"Shit, forget this!" Aomine pulled out a gun that looked strangely altered and of a new kind and Kuroko noticed it instantly.

Aomine fired it, and the blow made to the head of the creature was exceptionally large as it took off all of it and the dog mutation fell to the cracked pavement.

"Man, Aominecchi! That's some gun firing!" Kise was excited and Aomine looked at the gun in complete shock. He didn't know it had that much firing power!

Midorima noticed writing on the side of the slick black pistol-like gun that read "PN." "It appears to be enhanced weaponry from Project Nervola. We haven't tested those yet."

Murasakibara used his brass knuckles to quickly punch at the dog mutation that jumped at him, sending the creature a few feet away where it recovered. Kise grew excited and brought out strange twin daggers that he used to slice at the other dog mutation that came at them. He was surprised, though, when the cut sliced the creature in half through the front back and out through the belly.

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