((10)) More Of A Mystery

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A/N: Heya~! So Momoi is a cutie-pie. Just thought you should know, and more of Kuroko this chapter!

Look at them double digits yo.

[Disclaimer] I do not own KnB characters.


                                              ((10)) More Of A Mystery


Everyone stared, and stared. The stoic phantom boy from before was practically glowing as he ate the stew.

They were speechless at this change in character, the happy aura around him was practically tangible!

"Um... are you okay?" Aomine had to ask, and Kuroko opened his eyes to stare at him, completely normal now.

"Oh, yes. I've just never gotten to eat such tasty food. Though I believe I'm full now," Kuroko patted his stomach lightly.

"But you didn't eat nearly enough," Akashi pressed, and the others saw the small amount the boy ate — it was practically a child's portion.

Kuroko looked down at it before looking back up. "But I'm full."

"Kuroko-kun, how long has it been since you've eaten?" Momoi asked, concerned yet also curious.

"Quite some time, since in Nervola I did not need any substance to sustain. Everything's different here on Earth, especially when not using my powers." Kuroko answered before bowing his head toward Murasakibara. "Thank you for the food, Murasakibara-kun."

"Kuro-chin needs to eat more," The childish teen pushed another bowl of stew toward him but the bluenette shook his head.

"I am full, I do not wish to waste."

Murasakibara grumbled, but took the food back.

"So how old are you?" Kise asked curiously since he had finished eating too.

Kuroko blinked and had to think. "I believe I would be around eighteen or so..."

"Wow! Awesome, so that means you're older than us! We're all seventeen here, well I'm about to be." Kise spoke conversationally, to which Kuroko was glad. Kise seemed like the friendliest out of the bunch and was strangely optimistic.

"Is there any questions you would like to ask us?" Akashi asked him.

Kuroko shook his head. "I do not want to impose."

Akashi's eye twitched, but he smiled pleasantly. "That is why I'm asking if you're curious about us."

"Oh..." Kuroko's eyes seemed distant then, as if he didn't know how to handle the offer given to him. He snapped out of it quickly, and leveled the usual blank look with the redheaded leader. "I am not used to such free will, please forgive me." He bowed his head.

They all stopped... Kuroko's upbringing is definitely the strangest.

"Wait, so you've never asked anyone questions about themselves before?" Aomine questioned from beside him.

"No, it is rude of me to do so. I was taught not to ask of others, only to do as I was meant to do."

"That's stupid! It's like saying you're only a machine programmed to do what you're suppose to!" Aomine wasn't sure why he was suddenly shouting, but damn did it get him worked up that some freakish scientist people had the nerve to not only experiment on another human being — a child at that — but also try to control the way that person feels and thinks. He gritted his teeth together. "Dammit that pisses me off!"

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