((25)) Signal

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Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basket and its characters. The story is mine.

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((25)) Signal

Nebullis energy was easier to control while on the surface, and Aomine felt alight with the power.

"This is so easy now!" The Awakened human grinned as the new gun in his hand fired soundless shots. From the barrel a light blue haze emitted.

"Easy, Dai-chan!" Momoi scolded. She stood safely away from the two training partners. She wanted to supervise, in a way, but also she was really curious. Her eyes kept wandering to Kuroko who glowed in that ethereal light...

"Aomine-kun, you shouldn't fire shots randomly like that."

Aomine balked at being scolded, but realized he was behaving recklessly. "Yeah, yeah. Sorry."

As the training commenced, Kise was on the other side with the farmers. The blonde couldn't see his teammates, but every now and then he could hear them. Even the spikes of energy made something buzz under his skin...

"Kise-san!" The shout reminded him he had a job to do, and quickly went to assist the others. As he fastened the beams of wood together with rope, he was amazed at how lighter he felt. The labor wasn't as bad as it normally was; did the energy help them that much now?

"There's a sighting!" Someone bellowed out, and Kise turned sharply to the lookout.


"There's two wandering near base, they aren't aggressive yet!"

But they will be as soon as they realize people are here... Kise thought disdainfully. "I'll go and take care of it."

"You sure?" The older man managing the lookout gazed down at him with worry.

Kise smiled reassuringly. "Yeah, it'll be quick!" Besides, he really wanted to try some new weapons...

Strapping on limited gear, Kise went out toward where the Nervos were spotted. Which was awfully close to where Aomine and Kuroko were training...

"Hey, there's some Nervos near here!" Kise shouted at the two training at high speeds. Seriously, they were amazing...

Kuroko stopped instantly and turned his head in the direction of the Nervos. "Kise-kun is right."

"Alright, I'll take care of'em." Aomine ran a hand through his hair.

"I was going to do that, Aominecchi!"

The tan ace smirked. "Aren't you on helper duty?"

"Yes! And I'm helping by getting rid of the threat!" Kise continued to argue, and their loudness attracted the Nervos right to them.

It had been a while since Momoi saw those creatures up close. They were still just as ghastly-looking, and just as she grew worried at their close proximity, an aura of sky blue streaked in front of her.

Kuroko struck the nearest Nervo in the chest, the force of his palm crushing the Nexi instantly. He then turned and gathered Momoi into his arms and jumped away just as the second Nervo charged at them.

Time almost seemed to stand still for Momoi. The NervoHuman held her princess-style in his arms so gently, as if she weighed nothing. Her pink hair trailed in the wind around them, and her heart almost beat out of her chest when their eyes met.

"Are you okay, Momoi-san?"

The world suddenly seemed different up here, and his voice was tender...

A metaphorical arrow shot straight through the pinkette's heart, and she blushed furiously as he slowly let her down.

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