((20)) Awaken

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((20)) Awaken

The air was tense as the tiger AniNervo and Aomine had a stand-off.

The AniNervo stalked back and forth, and Kuroko gritted his teeth. He tried to summon his power, but he just kept drawing empty; was it because of the contract? How long would it take to regenerate that power?

Aomine held the PN specialized gun. He just had to be quick about it; strike the chest and it will all be over.

The large feline was wary, and watched for an opening; claws elongated and ready to attack.

Kuroko noticed Kise reached behind him to press something on his radio, perhaps a signal for the others?

The mutated and enhanced creature let out a garbled roar of threatening defiance. Aomine watched it closely, gun steady as he aimed and prepared to shoot.

As if sensing this, the tiger AniNervo jumped to pounce on him, causing Aomine to miss his shot and react slower to the coming fangs and claws.

Kuroko used what speed he had to quickly push Aomine out of the way of the attack. He flinched when the beast managed to slash a long jagged line down his arm. The differently colored blood spilled, and the AniNervo prepared to pivot and strike again when something cut into the beast's back.

It turned, and Kuroko and Aomine did as well to see Kise standing defiant with his other twin dagger ready to throw.

"Leave them alone!" The blond shouted, making the creature growl and instead turn its claws to him.

The other dagger stuck out of its back, and the AniNervo seemed unaffected by it.

"Kise!" Aomine shouted. Why would the idiot get involved?!

Kuroko tried to form some form of weapon, but it was behaving slowly and he kept losing focus. Kise narrowly avoided a pounce, and the mutated tiger was in range to swipe at him.

Kuroko felt a sudden rush beside him that his senses couldn't catch up to. When he looked at the blue blur, he was shocked to see Aomine rushing the creature all on his own. His speed was impressive; it was enough to take the tiger by surprise.

With a shout, the tanned teen shoved the creature away with a newfound strength. Kuroko's eyes widened at that power - it was reminiscent to his power!

Aomine had a fierce look, his jaw was tense and navy eyes angry as he stared down the creature. "I'm right here asshole."

The AniNervo slowly got back up and growled at him, circling as it tried to find an opening.

Kise and Kuroko watched with shock as the ace did the same thing. It happened quickly, the AniNervo struck out quicker than a snake, but Aomine moved like lightning.

Kise wasn't able to keep up with the speed, but Kuroko made out the dark blue blur of their teammate. He moved to avoid the tiger, and then pushed the beast into a nearby brick wall.

With the creature jostled and recovering, the other members of the team ran up then. There in the large cracked road, the AniNervo saw how outnumbered it was and fled. It jumped over the wall and other fences, and disappeared into the shrubbery.

"What happened?" Akashi asked immediately, just as Midorima went to see about Kuroko.

"Th-That thing came out of nowhere!" Kise said, still flabbergasted over what Aomine did.

Meanwhile, the tanned teen was shocked at the energy flowing through him; it was like a time when he found and drunk three cans of energy drinks. Only this time his body didn't feel like crap. He looked at his hands, feeling the raw power in them. It had been so easy to move back then - he had never been quicker in his life.

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