((07)) We Survive Together

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A/N: I seriously love reading everyone's comments. Like seriously, you all are gold x)

[DISCLAIMER] I do not own KnB characters.


                                              ((07)) We Survive Together

Midorima didn't get much sleep last night, he had been too engrossed in reading. Apparently, the government had stolen research from Project Nervola once they ended their alliance and began to study Nervola on their own. When the dimension began to get closer, the surface of it could be pierced enough to let something small through. At the same time of their development, the government had found something else that PN had kept secret... In that a human child seemed to be heavily connected to Nervola.

They obtained this child, and began experimenting on him in hopes of controlling their future... This boy was the important project, 'Phantom Zero.'

Not much had been listed concerning the project other than the experiments proved to be a success on the boy and he obtained superhuman-like qualities. They say he vanished, and the PN team was never able to rescue him from government control.

"And so I believe the boy that saved us before might be the same boy in the Phantom Zero experiment." Midorima finished explaining his findings.

"So he just vanished from Project Nervola's records?" Akashi questioned, his arms crossed as he thought on the subject.

"That is what was written in the report, and it seemed like the boy was very important to them. The saying 'He is the future' was repeated frequently." Midorima noted while pushing up his glasses.

"Wow, that does sound really important..." Kise spoke before a more pressing matter came to him about Midorima's explanation. "But how could they experiment on him like that? He was just a kid, right?"

"There wasn't an age stated in the documents, but I gathered it happened at a young age and we do not know the extent of the experimentations." Midorima answered, finding himself a little troubled at the thought of their government — the ones all about protecting the public — would voluntarily take an innocent child and do things to him that no other person should go through.

Aomine slammed his fist on the table — which had become their meeting table for things. "Damn! Cold-hearted bastards!" Just the thought made him riled up, and he remembered the blank stare of the boy who saved them yesterday... Could it really have been him that that happened to?

Akashi let out a sigh and uncrossed his arms. "Well, there's nothing we can do about it now so put it out of your minds. We'll be moving out as soon as everyone is ready."

*  *  *

The elite group once again walked through the dreadfully cold tunnels like the morning before.

"So if the Project Nervola Headquarters is standing to hold its own during the apocalypse, why don't we go to it?" Kise questioned when Midorima talked more about the Project Nervola base in Kyoto.

"Because Kyoto is too far from Tokyo to try and transport all of the survivors with us. It would take at least three days to reach Kyoto on foot, and even then we don't have the precise location of this HQ — it would be too risky." Akashi told him and everyone seemed to frown at this.

Coming out of the new tunnel the second time had them even more cautious. Now they didn't know what to expect, more now so after yesterday's events.

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