((08)) The Phantom's Hand

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A/N: Hi everyone~! ;) Here is a very important chapter that I hope you all enjoy!

[DISCLAIMER] I do not own KnB characters!


                                              ((08)) The Phantom's Hand

They reached the front where Murasakibara was towering over the doorway — the one that led out into the tunnel area.

"Atsushi, what is going on?!" Akashi barked and the purplehead turned to him.

"Aka-chin, these three showed up saying someone sent them here." Murasakibara stated in a lazy drawl, moving to the side so he could face his leader.

It was then that the four stopped, the sense of urgency disappearing as they saw the three teenage boys standing in the doorway. They had frightened faces, but they looked unharmed and... normal.

Aomine instantly turned to Momoi who just arrived. "Satsuki! I thought there was danger!"

She huffed as she breathed and shook her head. "No, but it's what they told me that's important!"

Now they all turned to the three — who all winced under their gazes. Two of them had brown spiky hair while the other had a shaved hand. They were of average Japanese height, but it was the first time in three years since the GoM encountered other teenagers like them.

"Who are you?" Akashi asked, and the nearest one yelped at the commanding tone.

"U-um, survivors... Like yourself." He stuttered, his legs shaking a bit at the leader's harsh gaze. His wide brown eyes looked away from the intimidating figure.

"How did you find us?" It wasn't like there was anyone around to spread word about them... And where they resided.

"H-he sent us." The same one answered, sweating profusely.

Akashi's eyes narrowed further. "And who is that?"

"Akashicchi, I think you're scaring them..." Kise mentioned, and Akashi seemed to take in the three's terrified postures.

He sighed and released the tension. They wouldn't get anywhere like this...

"Forgive me, I'm just wanting answers." Akashi opened his eyes after relaxing himself so as not to scare the three anymore. He leveled his stare with the one who had been doing the talking before. "Now, who sent you here?"

The boy was still nervous, but his shaky legs weren't trembling like before. "We didn't get a name, but h-he saved us and told us where to go — he said that we would be safe here."

The Miracles were instantly curious, and it was Midorima who asked the question.

"What did he look like?"

At this, the boy looked up in thought. "Well, he looked human, but..." He looked over at his two friends who seemed confused about how to answer too, "...he also looked really different. His eyes were all glowy blue-like and his hair was the same color — and he seemed really pale and could move way fast."

"Yeah, he knew exactly how to destroy those monsters!" The one with a shaved head spoke up with a smile.

The elite group all shared a look. It was him, the same phantom boy as before.

"So he's saving humans and sending them our way now?" Midorima questioned in a lower tone to his immediate members.

"So he is a good guy and on our side! Haha, this is awesome!" Kise was in high spirits, grinning to himself.

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