((06)) Lucky Break

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A/N: This is mostly an informative chapter. Really no action, just the GoM discussing things and finding out more on Nervola (which is helpful to know for the overall plot of this).

[Disclaimer] I do not own Kuroko no Basket characters!


                                              ((06)) Lucky Break
Setting: With the GoM, in the tunnel base after encountering the strange boy

"So none of you noticed where he went off to?" Akashi asked the group as they all sat around the table in their dining area — which really should just be considered the kitchen area since they were right at it...

"Nope, he just disappeared Aka-chin..." Murasakibara answered as he thought back on the boy, why was he all glowy? Was he some kind of alien too? But he looked human....

Aomine shrugged and Kise almost looked tearful when he shook his head.

"Same, he seemed to vanish into thin air." Midorima said, his arms crossed as his mind too was thinking on the mysterious boy... He had saved them, but for what purpose? He clearly wasn't wholly human like them...

"Why didn't he stay? We wasn't going to hurt him..." Kise spoke his thoughts out loud, looking distraught down at the table. He couldn't help but remember how small and thin the boy had looked — even though he seemed to be a teenager like them.

"We have no idea why he chose to leave, Ryouta. Though if I had to guess, it would be because we were all staring at him. I saw some discomfort line his features before he disappeared." Akashi spoke, and Aomine raised a brow.

"So the guy is shy?"

Akashi shook his head. "I think it's more of he wasn't used to it... Even though he looked human, he did have an unnatural glow about him that may be linked to the other dimension."

"There's no telling what he really is... He could very well be some new form of creature from there." Midorima frowned, that's all they needed...

"Hey, he can't be bad if he saved us from that-that-thing!" Kise defended instantly.

"Oh? What makes you feel so strongly about that Ryouta?" Akashi inquired, actually curious about the blond's outburst.

"Because he didn't have that lifeless aggression as the rest of those mutants—" Here Kise shivered and gritted his teeth, "He deliberately came to our aid and killed off that thing before it could hurt us or worse! And there was just something else about him that seemed... I don't know, pure." Kise wasn't too sure why he was saying this, but it was just what he felt since seeing the stranger save them. It was totally unexpected!

Midorima scoffed, but he couldn't really object to that since he felt the same.

"We will be searching for him." Akashi told them, catching everyone's attention instantly. "We need to learn more about Nervola, and so far this boy is the only thing to appear to us with value."

When Akashi said that, Midorima remembered the important documents he found back in the storage office. "I found papers on Nervola in the office area Aomine and I looked through," he spoke as he grabbed the file from his backpack and put it in the middle of the table.

The group peered at it with interest as Akashi opened the file. The first paper had NERVOLA in bold writing at the top and then in smaller text it read,

Nervola is the name of the dimension that has shown itself frequently over the years in Earth's skies. A team of elite scientists, called Project Nervola, were the ones to research this 'other world.' It was the head scientist of PN, Aida Kagetora, who first made connection with the dimension through his inventions. He was able to receive the signal waves emitted from the inner dimension and determined the signal to spell out 'Nervola', thus christening its name. It was through Dr. Aida's work that we were able to learn more and more about the separate dimension from our own, that kept coming closer to the Earth as the years passed by....

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