((27)) Other Self

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Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basket or its characters. Nervola stuff is all mine!


((27)) Other Self

"Ryouta! Stop playing around and finish them off!" Akashi ordered, his eyes narrowed as he watched the blonde practically dance around the Nervos with his enhanced agility.

They were just on a supply run, but the Awakened Miracles were trying out their new prowess on the enemy. Kuroko helped teach Kise and Midorima how to maintain better control over it, and now everyone was playing around with it.

Kise was laughing, but did as the redhead told him to. He quickly stabbed the two Nervos in their cores and his golden eyes beamed as they disintegrated. "I can't help it, Akashicchi! It's so easy now."

Akashi sighed heavily, rubbing his temple. Even Aomine had been acting out of line, and he could feel the anger boiling under the surface. At least they were almost back at base, and he could relax...

Kuroko had been watching their interactions. It had been a week since Midorima and Kise Awakened, and he trained them (and a begrudging Murasakibara) in order to help them tap into and control the Nebullis energy better. They all showed extraordinary progress, and Kuroko only had to guide them sometimes.

But the phantom noticed how Akashi has yet to Awaken. With every venture out into the world above, it seemed animosity and something else was brewing inside the leader. Kuroko decided he needed to know more about him in order to help him.

So, as they all settled in for the evening, Kuroko declined basketball in order to seek out the brooding redhead.

"Akashi-kun?" Kuroko spoke after knocking on his door.

"Come in."

Kuroko stepped in to a completely organized bedroom unlike the others. Akashi kept a regal theme, and it all seemed fitting for him. He saw that the redhead was sitting at a coffee table with a shogi board and notebook. It was the same shogi board he'd seen him and Midorima play at in their free time.

Akashi looked up from where he was studying something on his notebook. He offered a pleasant smile, and Kuroko found himself easily mirroring it. "What brings you here, Kuroko?"

The bluenette sat across from him and spoke, "I noticed somethings been bothering you lately, Akashi-kun."

Heterochromatic eyes widened briefly, and a wry smile lit his pale face. "You see right through me, huh? Well, you are correct."

"Please let me know what I can do to make it better."

Akashi's features grew softer at that, and he once again studied his notebook. "You like to tackle things head-on, don't you?"

Kuroko tilted his head, curious, and his gaze swept over the page of the notebook that looked like some kind of puzzle of a battle layout. "I don't like to hesitate, especially when there is something wrong that can be fixed."

Akashi breathed in deep and let it out before his eyes found light blue ones once again. He leaned on his elbows on the table as he opened up to the phantom. "Have I ever told you I battle with Dissociative Identity Disorder? Well, mine is a split personality... It, or rather he, was born from childhood trauma, and he cemented in my mind after Nervola fell."

Akashi looked at the candle burning on the desk in the corner of his room. It was easier to open up to Kuroko, and with what's been going on, it was good to let some of the tension out. "My father was not a good man, and he had a different view on the world. He believed that being the best in everything was something you must do to maintain the right lifestyle. If you have a passion for something, you must excel at it without failing." Akashi's eyes fell from the flickering candle light as he remembered the harsh words his father spoke day after day. "Failure was not an option in the Akashi household, not for anyone, or you suffered the consequences."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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