((03)) New Arsenal

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{DISCLAIMER} I do not own KnB characters! Just this plot is mine~


                                              ((03)) New Arsenal

The Generation of Miracles went around the building, circling it twice for good measure before going into the small side door. Murasakibara kicked the rusted door down and Midorima assumed front position as his gun had the best flashlight equipped. Kise had a smaller one and stood in the back as they entered the small dark storage space.

"There should be a door leading to the larger space... Ryouta, try finding it while Shintaro maps out this room." Akashi spoke in a hushed tone, they stood briefly and when they weren't rushed by the enemy, they proceeded forward.

Kise had found the door soon, and so he joined with the rest in finding out more in the room. It seemed to be a smaller storage room filled with stuff useless to them other than a few knives and handguns.

"At least we got some extra ammo," Aomine said after fully loading his own.

"Everyone has extra weapons now, so don't whine later." Midorima said as he tucked an army knife in his boot.

"I believe we salvaged everything we could, time to head into the main center." Akashi announced, and as they started walking to the door he continued, "From my understanding, this area will be fairly lit because of the large windows, so flashlights won't be necessary. Once entering, thoroughly scout. Shintaro, there should be a ladder near the door for you to climb up to get to the ledge necessary for sniping. Try and find the ladder that leads to the roof. Daiki, you will assist Shintaro until the ledge is clear of any of the enemy, then meet with us on the ground floor to exterminate the rest." At their nod, they opened the door quietly and snuck in and barred the door in case the noise attracted any outside attention.

Just as Akashi said, the main floor was fairly lit with the large windows lining the walls overhead. What was strange, however, was there wasn't a threat inside.

"Still proceed as planned. Daiki, Shintaro — up on the ledge. The rest of us will advance forth. Leak out a distress signal with your radios should you encounter a threat you can't handle." Akashi told them and they set off.

Midorima quickly found the ladder leading up to the ledge and started climbing while Aomine looked around once more before climbing up to the ledge as well. Once there, they had a better view and Midorima looked through his scope to see that there was no danger in sight for the other group.

He unclasped the small radio from his belt and contacted Akashi with it, stating he didn't see any dangers for them. He was glad in that moment that they had found the battery supply in different stores and stocked up on them — they could still use most electronics this way.

At getting the okay, Akashi, Murasakibara, and Kise advanced forth the empty space until they came about the back where there were large bins, filled with boxes.

As they pried open some of the lids, they realized what all they contained — everything they needed. There were boxes of water bottles and medicine, non-perishable foods and even more weapons that they had never seen before. It seemed too good to be true, and as Akashi looked around, he wondered if the people who had been working in this place had prepared for the imminent apocalypse. It was a miracle for them to find this place with so many resources.

"Look, Akashicchi! There's even more large metal bins with boxes!" Kise pointed out, wearing a happy expression and even Murasakibara displayed a smile at finding so many of his favorite snacks.

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