((26)) To Be Human

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Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basket. Nervola stuff is all miine~

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((26)) To Be Human

Midorima cursed as his shot only managed to clip the wing of the mutated bird he had been focusing on.

In the distance, Aomine and Kise were trying to reach the building, and the Awakened tan ace used his training to take on the horde of enemies. He moved quickly to fire shots at the Nexis, and used the energy around him to give him a boost in speed so he could slam into a dog AniNervo and crush the Nexi in its chest.

Kise was once again amazed at his new prowess, but quickly made it into the building. It was still in tact, and he noticed the stairs were clear.

"Aominecchi! It's clear to climb up!"

Aomine heard his shout and dealt with the last of the AniNervos blocking his path. He went with the blonde up the stairs, but what awaited them on the second floor was a makeshift barrier guarding the entry to the next staircase.

It was quiet, and Kise stepped toward the barrier. "Hello?" he called out tentatively, knowing the telltale signs of survivors.

A young man with silky black hair popped his head from the barricade. "Oh, they're human!"

Two more bodies emerged from the barricade, and they moved warily. One had sharp steel blue eyes and short black hair, and the other had brown hair and brown eyes that creepily resembled dead fish eyes.

"Who are you guys?" The shortest one with the blue eyes asked.

Kise was just about to introduce himself when Aomine once again 'powered up.'

"No time. We'll introduce ourselves later." And the tan teen quickly sped by the survivors and up the stairs.

"How did he move that fast?!" The guy spoke again, the three of them shocked.

Kise laughed lightly. "It's a long story... Right now I need to get you guys to safety. You got weapons?"

The three nodded, holding up their guns, and Kise breathed a sigh of relief that they weren't totally hopeless.

"Okay, we should be..." The building rocked as the sound of buzzing filled the air - like the sound of a million flies.


"Armor...Nervos." Kuroko muttered to the three Miracles. He fought through the pain in his head to lift his gun arm and fired at the swarm approaching them.

"Mutated bugs? That's gross..." Murasakibara frowned in disgust

"The small ones... you need to-to fire large explosives to get rid of--" Kuroko shuddered as he tasted iron in his mouth from where he bit his tongue.

"We got it, please don't worry." Akashi touched his arm and gave a reassuring look. "Leave this to us. Daiki and Ryouta should be getting that last signal down."

Kuroko stopped talking so he could put all his focus into aiming at the approaching swarm. He still couldn't help but worry about his teammates with this new threat invading them.

Different insects were together in the swarm. Some were mutated and bigger, but others had seemed joined together in a cluster of Nebullis energy.

The bigger ones were what Midorima aimed for, and he heard the distinct sound of their radios going off. It made a pattern sound that told them Kise and Aomine found survivors.

Akashi grit his teeth. It would be harder to run with inexperienced survivors, and his instincts were screaming at him for them to run. They would have to stand their ground for now.

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