((23)) The Long Way

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A/N: Welcome back to Our Phantom's Shadow! It's been so long that I've been reading through the story over the holidays and collecting my notes. I'm very sorry for leaving on such a long hiatus, but being an adult is the hardest thing to do in life. I've missed this story, and these characters bring me such joy that I had to return to it. I've now mapped out all the way to Arc IV, and I'm eager to get through all of Arc I with you all!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basket, nor the characters used in this fic. Only the plot is mine.

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((23)) The Long Way

The group decided that the tunnel system would be their best bet in getting around the AniNervos. After careful backtracking, they arrived back in the spot where the mother Tiger AniNervo abducted Kuroko.

"We don't know how long it'll go, but it seems to head in the same direction as our base." Midorima spoke, the bright beam from his flashlight caused a glare on his glasses.

Kuroko stepped over the bodies along the way, noting the clawed gashes they had. He peered back behind him at the adult AniNervo who tailed the cubs chasing after them. She was keeping her distance from the group, so that was good.

He only had to meet Akashi's eyes for an understanding to pass between them. She killed these people, and they had to remain wary of her.

A cub knocked into the bluenette's leg, and he smiled slowly as the cubs played with each other.

"These guys are really cute," Kise commented with a big smile. He reached down to try to pet one, but it quickly ran from him. "No fair! They only like Aominecchi and Kurokocchi!"

"Heh, it's probably because we lifted a roof off of'em just to save them." Aomine replied with a smirk, needlessly flexing his biceps while Kise scoffed.

"How did you manage to do that, anyway?" Akashi glanced surreptitiously at the tan ace.

Kuroko only watched as he idly played with the cubs that danced around him. Aomine was thinking on it, and the phantom waited for his response.

"Tetsu helped me with it, how to draw on the power in the air or some shit--"

"Nebullis energy, Aomine-kun."

"--and then, I dunno, I just felt powerful. Like I could do almost anything."

The rest of the Miracles mulled over this information, in awe when they remembered the ace's strength.

"So... what was it?" Kise asked him, confused.

Kuroko decided to elaborate, "He Awakened."


"It's what comes after gaining power like mine. Once you awaken to it, you're able to draw the energy to you and manipulate it. It thrives on your strengths."

Midorima turned his head to regard the bluenette. "Can he do it all the time? And what about you? Are your powers still weakened?"

Kuroko took the questions in stride. "No, not until his body grows used to the energy. If you use it too much, as a human, it'll wear down on your muscles and nervous system." Then Kuroko clenched his hand into a fist as he looked down at the sliver of pulsating blue light. Proof that he was back in control over his power, but he would still need a good rest before he would be at full potential. "And I should be fully recovered after I rest properly. I can feel myself returning to normal."

"That's good." Kise commented with a smile, feeling more relieved than he had in the past couple hours.

The farther they walked, the more out of sight the door to the zoo became. With walls around them, Kuroko could sense the anxiety coming from the blond in front of him.

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