((18)) Contract Of Power

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A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this out! I just literally have not had much free time to myself to write here lately, but I managed to squeeze in to finish writing this so I hope you enjoy! As always, thank you for the support, and really important A/N at the bottom!

[DISCLAIMER] KnB is not owned by me nor is its characters. I just wanted to use them with this plot. =]


((18)) Contract Of Power

The mass of primate AniNervos was quickly becoming reduced, although the four teens were exhausted and suffering from minor wounds.

Two mutated chimpanzees were after Kise, and the blond was quick to gain distance from them. Kise turned and threw one of his daggers toward the chest of one of the AniNervos, but messed up on his landing and the dagger went slightly off. A golden eye squeezed shut at the pain that shot through him when his wounded ankle moved the wrong way. He watched as the targeted AniNervo swiped the dagger away and both continued to advance toward him.

"Ryouta!" Akashi was there to pick up the fallen dagger and send it straight through the chest of one AniNervo. The redhead moved as swift as he could to drive the dagger harder, causing it to pierce the Nexi inside.

Kise responded and threw the other dagger at the other AniNervo that became distracted by Akashi. He watched it slice through the air and embed deep inside the creature's chest, successfully destroying the Nexi inside.

Akashi gathered both daggers and returned them to the panting blond. "How's your wound?"

Kise leaned more on his good leg as he felt blood trickle out of the gauze wrapping his ankle. "I'll hold up, thanks Akashicchi. I'm more worried about Aominecchi and Kurokocchi."

The leader nodded, his eyebrows pulled tightly together but he had to focus on the matter at hand. Ensure their safety first. "Yes, I am too, but..." The redhead turned away to pull out a gun to start firing at the creatures that started running toward them. "I trust Kuroko. You should do the same."

Kise was shocked by this. Akashi trusted Kuroko now? "Okay, and I do." He answered with no doubt in his mind.

Akashi didn't say anything more on the matter, choosing to lead them closer to where Murasakibara was currently being swarmed by the smallest primates.

The purple-haired giant had on dense brass knuckles and moved wildly around to hit off the mutated monkeys. His face was a calm seriousness as he ripped through tiny bodies, not caring at the minor scratches in his skin and tears at his clothes.

The last orangutang fell to a disintegrating mess when Midorima sniped it out, having found a safe perch on a stable building ledge. He looked through his scope in search of his next target when he felt his gun suddenly snagged away by something.

"What!" Midorima looked around as he fixed his jostled glasses and green eyes narrowed at the spider-monkey that held his gun away from him. "Give that back this instant." The megane demanded as if he were talking to a child.

The AniNervo just smiled, showing enlarged rotting teeth as its glossy eyes looked away. It used its enhanced muscles to leap off the ledge and start running away with Midorima's sniper rifle in hand.

Midorima only sighed, very much irritated, and pulled out a shot gun from his bag as he jumped down from the ledge. When he was close enough, he blew the small mutated primate's head off in one shot. Afterwards, he calmly walked up to the twitching form to retrieve his favorite gun. "You forced me to leave my post, how disgraceful." And with another shot to the middle back, he ended the little squabble.

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