((05)) The Shadow Following You

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A/N: So this is where those from the Rp may get a little confused because since this is fanfiction, I've decided to put more into Kuroko's style of fighting ;) So it's unlike (and will most likely be unlike) any thing from the Survival Rp of Dimension Nervola.

Have a taste of Kuroko's side of things!

[DISCLAIMER] I do not own Kuroko no Basket characters. Just the plot of this story is mine.


                                              ((05)) The Shadow Following You

Setting: before the mission and with Kuroko 

Kuroko didn't know what it was, but he's always felt empty. Like the beating heart inside of him was nothing but hollow in his chest, it's only purpose was to fuel his own existence. Ever since emerging out of the otherworld and back into this one — the one he was born to originally, he felt an ache in his being. Not from fighting, but something that upset him on the inside.

Was it this? Seeing the destroyed and nearly lifeless world before him? Knowing that those terrible creatures were the ones at fault? The ones that he continued to hunt down and annihilate one-by-one... It was his reason for existing, right? It was the mindset goal incorporated into him ever since he was younger...

But why... why did he need to fight for a world already lost? He has yet to see any humans, of the ones he is supposed to save. 'You must come back. You have to save us!' Those words, at the oddest of times, would echo clearly in his mind. It was from that time before... before his transformation took place. He remembered looking into the dark eyes that matched his own at the time — of the person he thought was supposed to protect him from all of the bad things in the world, not the other way around. Now, after being exposed to Nervola and injected with the essence found there, his temperament had drastically changed.

Long gone was the black hair and eyes before. In its place was soft light blue hair and deep light blue eyes. His already pale skin had taken on an almost translucent-like glow. He was a different person now... a different being. He was no longer crying and begging to go back home.

The shadows had long since wrapped around him — providing him with sleek and easy-to-maneuver-in dark clothing. It provided warmth when the nights grew cold here, on Earth. And boy they did, he was grateful for the darkness comforting him at that time. Though his superior complex would serve him better than any normal human being's.

Those that he was meant to save... Where were they? Did he arrive too late? Was there no one left to save? For some reason, those thoughts made something inside Kuroko break. His brows furrowed as he stared off into the distance, over the city. He was perched on a high building that had yet to cave in.

Why did he feel so broken inside? Because he lost his one purpose — the goal incorporated into his being by not only his father, but many others...? What was all of this worth if there was no one here for him?

Unsteadily, not used to feeling such strong emotions after going numb to that side of him for so long, Kuroko grasped the silky fabric over his chest. Why did his heart hurt now? Was loneliness such a bad thing? Even though he lived with it for so long in the other dimension...?

Suddenly, the phantom heard shouting from down below, and his heart seemed to lighten at the sound. Was there hope? His eyes took on a lighter quality, almost glowing, as he scanned the ground below. He caught multiple figures running in the distance that did not look like the creatures he was sent out to destroy. Humans...?

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