((09)) NervoHuman

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A/N: So this chapter has a loooot of info in it about Nervola, hope I explained it in here so you can all understand~! >.<

[DISCLAIMER] I do not own KnB characters in this! Just the plot~


                                              ((09)) NervoHuman

"So are you... you know, human?" It was Kise who hesitantly asked as they started walking back to base. He yelped lightly when those piercing blue eyes turned to him. They were really intense!

"It is rude to ask questions without introductions. Isn't that common courtesy?" Kuroko tilted his head to the side. That's what he was taught, but maybe these humans didn't know it?

Kise flushed, but Akashi was the one to speak up from the front of the group. "Of course. Pardon me for forgetting to do that, I'm Akashi Seijuro." The redhead nodded toward him.

"Hey! I'm Kise Ryouta!" The blond shouted beside the bluenette while happily pointing at himself.

Kuroko cringed a bit at the sudden loudness and Aomine hit the blond over the head. "Just ignore the loud-mouth, I'm Aomine Daiki."

Midorima nodded toward him. "My name is Midorima Shintaro."

Murasakibara waved down at the smaller male, "Hiya, I'm Murasakibara Atsushi."

Kuroko stopped and bowed to them. "It is very nice to meet you, Akashi-kun, Kise-kun, Aomine-kun, Midorima-kun, and Murasakibara-kun." He raised up. "It's the first time I've gotten to talk with humans since returning here."

This picked at their minds, they all wanted to know more about Kuroko. "You'll have to tell us about yourself when we return to base." Akashi told him, and Kuroko nodded as they started walking once more.

. * .

The Generation of Miracles took Kuroko to their underground base where it was safe. The phantom man gazed around the place they entered and saw that it was a livable space, but it didn't sit right with him that they had to seek shelter underground like this. They belonged on the surface, within the light...

It was only after ensuring that the new survivors were okay, that they all (plus Momoi), grouped together in the large living area. Kuroko remained standing, as it didn't bother him so much, and he knew the other teens were tired from the fight.

Momoi closely observed him, entranced slightly by his... humanly, yet otherworldly looks. Those eyes were the most breathtaking, and unsettling feature of all. The way they glowed, and the slightly visible white rings around the pupil...

"Sorry... Kuroko Tetsuya, is it?" Momoi asked, completely unnerved around the boy.

Kuroko met her eyes and nodded, and the pinkette gulped at having those eyes watching her. She was starting to wonder if it was right for the guys to bring him here...

"We can trust him, Satsuki." Akashi spoke then, as if sensing her doubt.

Momoi steadied herself before speaking again, "Kuroko-kun...? Is there any way to, uh, turn off the glowyness of your eyes? It's a little unsettling..."

Kuroko blinked as if he just realized something. "Oh, yes. My apologies." And then in the next second, the glow was gone and his light blue eyes appeared... normal. In fact, his features now screamed 'human,' and... really Japanese, Momoi noted. So he was from here? "Is that better?" he asked, looking around at the others before settling on Momoi.

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