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{DISCLAIMER} I do not own Kuroko no Basket, the plot of this fic is mine, but the characters sadly do not belong to me.

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* ~ Prologue ~ *

The world was constantly changing, that was a fact in history. Life would always have to adapt to this change, whether life wanted it or not.

Here, in the future era of Earth, it was becoming known that the world was entering a new stage of change unlike any before. For years it became a known fact that we were not alone in the vast universe. That there was life somewhere else...

No one expected it to be so close, yet so far....

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"I'm scared." The voice of a child spoke up out of fear. Big dark eyes gazed around in fright at the unfamiliar surroundings. He wasn't sure what this place was, only that it had been dark and scary before they reached a place with strange lights. His short and spiky black hair seemed glossy and shiny under the ethereal glow emitting from the almost neon blue lighting above. His pale skin gleamed as his innocence seemed to shine out from his vulnerable look. 

The child heard sighing come from the man standing beside him, and he looked up to meet eyes much like his own. The child was scared, and in wonder, just why was he here? With his father...? Where was his mother at? His small hands grasped the soft fabric over his heart. He didn't like this, not one bit. Where exactly were they at?

"Listen to me," Suddenly, the taller dark-haired man kneeled down to the child's level. He placed comforting hands on small shoulders. "You were chosen for this. You're the only one who can save us, so please..." Those hands tightened their grip as the situation seemed dire to the young child, who became alerted. "Don't be afraid, Tetsuya."

The young black-haired child, Tetsuya, blinked at his father. He only ever said his name like that when he was under a lot of stress...

Suddenly, the large metal doors behind them opened, and out came men wearing strange black suits and masks that honestly frightened the small boy.

"Dad!" The young boy choked out, looking back at his father with tears brimming in his large dark eyes. His small hands grasped the larger sleeves of his father's arms tightly.

His father looked panicked, but stern as he made eye contact with the small boy again. "You cannot behave like this, Tetsuya! You must be brave and persevere for all of mankind. Show no emotions toward them. Do you hear me? No fear, no tears. Do not let them read you."

"Daddy!" The smaller boy shouted as the scary men in suits grabbed him and pulled him harshly away from his father.

"You have to come back one day... And save us all." His father whispered as all he could do was stare as the superiors took the crying child with them into a strange chamber.

The dark-haired man then crumbled in on himself as his body shook with grief. "I'm so sorry... Kuroko... Tetsuya... My son. Please, please forgive me." He could only utter just as the loud shrieking of a child in pain echoed in the empty underground tunnel.




Kuroko wasn't sure what to feel after so long.

Show them nothing. No emotions.

That mantra was uttered to him day in and day out. Like a personal prayer of a demonic kind.

He doesn't know why he was chosen to be this. Only that he must strive for 'good.' But what was good? He could barely remember of anything good in his life. There were the very dim memories of someone with him... Laughing with him, holding him... It was a woman, his mother? And then there was a man in the background, too.

His life was taken from him, the normal one... Now, here he was living a new one without a purpose.

Wait, that's not right.

You must come back to us. You have to save us!

Ah, yes. Those words. It was those words that had stabilized him from the darkness that had wanted to take over. But come back and save who?

All Kuroko Tetsuya knew was unbridled emptiness and loneliness. He was to brave a world completely devastated by an unearthly force. Without purpose in his existence, only a goal to save. And to kill the beings that terrorized mankind.

He was a phantom to the world. Returning at last from the shadows...


A/N: And that was the prologue to this! Please let me know what you all think of this so far, as most ideas for the other dimension is derived from my original story and Survival Rp... I honestly thought of Kuroko being like this even before all that though. Just had to wait on the plot bunnies to hit me with a solid plot xP

WARNINGS for the story are: gore and blood (I may get detailed in the mutations and killings), cursing (them boys got potty mouths - mostly Aomine and Kagami), monsters (of all kinds, so if you have a phobia for zombie-like creatures then I'm not sure how you'll feel for this...), and possible mentions of Christianity.

Pease vote, comment, and share if you enjoyed! =D

Our Phantom's ShadowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora