First day| 1

538 7 11

Y/n's POV

I made my way into the great hall, following the massive crowd of first years. I'm not a first year, I'm a 5th year, though it was my first year at Hogwarts. My parent's taught me at home, but my siblings all got to go. Apparently they got permission from the Ministry of Magic to teach me separately, now it was time to attend Hogwarts. I was a little nervous because I've never been that social, but I'll give it a try!

All the kids were sorted into their houses, except for me. "Y/n Y/L/N?". My name was called and I went up to get sorted. Everybody in my family is a Gryffindor, so there's no doubt I'll be too! I closed my eyes, taking short breaths. "Hmmm. Difficult, very  difficult," The hat said "You have attributes to be sorted into any of the houses, but I think you'll feel right at home in..... SLYTHERIN!". The Slytherin table began to roar with excitement, standing up and clapping. "A-are you sure?" I asked.

I plopped down on the bench, sighing. A dirty blonde-haired boy sat to my right, and a brunette girl to my left. I picked at my food, poking it with my fork. "You know you could just pick it up, right?" the boy asked with a sarcastic smile, "Ha-ha, very funny," I replied, returning the same smile. He rolled his eyes and smiled. "I'm Chester Dovetail," he said, sticking out his hand. I glanced at it, then grasped his hand in mine. "I'm Y/n Y/l/n,"

"Well, I'll see you around!" I said, getting up. "Yeah, I look forward to it!" Chester responded. I smiled as I walked out of the Great Hall and into the corridor. I walked around for a little bit, enjoying the space. I heard heels clicking on the floor so I turned around. It was professor McGonagall. "Oh, I'm so glad I found you!" "May I help you?" I asked confused. "Just follow me."

She took me to the dungeons, where I assume the Slytherin dorms are. She said the password and we walked in together. I felt at peace when I walked in. I'm sure it's just because it's my house, but I didn't want to leave. "Follow me this way to your dorm," McGonagall said, walking towards the boys dormitory. "Uh, ma'am. Isn't this the boys dorms?" I asked politely, "Yes, dear, it is. The girls didn't have any room. Considering your families long line of Gryffindor's..." she trailed off, "You assumed I would've been one," I answered.

We walked down a stone hallway, it was kind of cold, but I appreciated it. "Here it is," McGonagall said, motioning to the dark wood door. I grabbed the cold handle. "Don't worry, you'll have this room all to yourself,". I sighed in relief before pushing the door open. I gasped as I saw the large windows. Since we were in the dungeon, we were in part of The Black Lake, so the murky green water shining through the windows really helped the Slytherin vibe.

Professor McGonagall closed the door, and I was left alone. There was a fire steadily ablaze, illuminating the room a little bit. The room smelled of a natural fragrance, but nothing I could pinpoint. I noticed my trunk had already been placed at the foot of my bed, so I decided to take a warm shower.

I stepped out of the shower, the cold air reacting to the still hot beads of water running down my limbs. I wiped the fog from the mirror with a hand towel and started drying my hair. After my hair was dried (and not so ratted), I put on my dark red satin pajamas. The set was a gift from my grandmother for going to Hogwarts, boy will she be disappointed...

I decided to get a good look at the common room since it was only 12 am (I don't sleep much). I walked down the cold, stone hallway, listening to the sound of my footsteps. When I arrived in the common room, I was the only one. I sat on the leather couch watching the green flames. They intrigued me an awful lot.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps. Three pairs. I looked to my left, watching as three figures made themselves apparent in the green light of the flames. "Oh, Y/n! Guys, this is the girl I was talking about earlier," Chester explained, motioning his head towards me. Two other boys stood to his right. The one in the middle was extremely tall with pale skin, brown eyes, and dark curls falling slightly over his forehead. The one furthest from Chester was only a little shorter than the middle boy. He had blonde hair that was swept to the right, brown eyes, and fair skin. "Uh, hi," I replied nervously.

The three came to sit down. Chester sat down next to me, the blonde sat next to Chester, and the other sat on the couch diagonal to me. "Y/n, this is Avery," Chester said, introducing me to the blonde, "And that's Tom,". Ah, so Tom was his name. I nodded my head, smiling a little. "So, Y/n. Haven't seen you around before, you're new?" Avery asked, cocking an eyebrow. "Uh, yes, that's correct. Though, you may know my older brothers, Oliver and Noah Y/l/n," I answered. Avery nodded, but at this information, Tom's eyes darted to me for a quick second. Not much of a talker, I suppose.

After a while of small talk, Avery and Chester decided to head back to their dorm. Once they were gone, Tom decided to actually look at me. After about of minute of silence, he finally said something. "So, you're a Y/l/n," he stated, "Yes, I am," I answered, watching the flames. "You're not very good at eye contact," he said, "Yeah? You aren't either," I replied, looking up to face him. He studied me for a moment, furrowing his brows for a moment, then chuckling slightly. "Yes, I suppose you're right," he said, "Don't worry, I'm sure we can work on it," I replied. I watched his face carefully. The green flames light was flickering on the left side of his face. He made a quick smirk, glancing towards the floor.

I stood up, about to walk back to my dorm. "Hey, Y/l/n, that's the boys dorm," Tom said, "I'm well aware that my dorm happens to be in the boys dorm, Tom," I answered, looking back at him. "It's Riddle, to you. We just met," he stated, "Ok, Riddle," I teased. "Oh, and Y/l/n. Lose the red pajamas, they make you look like one of those Gryffindorks," "Alright, whatever. Night Riddle,", "Night,"

𝒜/𝓃: 𝐻𝑒𝓎 𝑔𝓊𝓎𝓈! 𝐼 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓇𝑒𝓋𝒾𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝒾𝓈 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝒹 (𝒹𝑒𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒾𝓉𝑒𝓁𝓎 𝒶 𝓁𝑜𝓉 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒪𝒢)

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