Christmas plans |12

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An: Were chapter 11 leaves off is after Y/n almost gets kidnapped by Lord Voldemort (Tom's dad). It has been a few weeks and it is now 3 weeks before Christmas break (Dec. 8).


You and Tom walked through the corridors, along with Avery and Chester.

Tom wouldn't let you out of his sight ever since the incident. With the exception of going to the lavatory and showering, other than that he never left your side. Yes, you're 16 and yes you can take care of yourself, but Tom still didn't care.

It was lightly snowing; you could hear students laughing and running around outside. They were having snowball fights. Fun.

You stopped walking and watched them enjoying themselves, it wasn't in a creepy way but in a way of admiration almost. Tom noticed that you had stopped and walked back over to you. "Y/n? What are you standing here for?" he asked, intrigued. "Hm....Oh, I'm just- It's nothing" you stammered. He looked at you furring his eyebrows, like he was trying to figure you out. "Ok, if you say so." he murmured.

You then turned around and began to follow them once again. You couldn't go anywhere without Tom, or one of his goons. It was quiet annoying if you were being honest.

You let out a sigh as you four walked into the Great Hall for dinner. Girls were glaring at you, clearly jealous. They can just get over it, jealousy never did anyone any good. At least that's what your aunt always said, but she's clearly been jealous of your mother since forever. She's also been jealous of you, look where that got her.

Your looks have always been one of your strong suits, even at a young age. She rubbed off on your sister, or should I say cousin. She was never nice to you, and sadly never will be.

Speaking of your aunt, where were you going to go for Christmas break? You didn't have anywhere to go. You sat at the table thinking about it, also just playing with your food. Mostly the mashed potatoes because they were amusing to shape and form.

Just like you wished you could do with your life.....


Time skip: 5 days (Dec. 13)

You had finally gotten a chance to be away from Tom, as headmaster Dumbledore had called you to his office.

You walked into his office slowly, making sure to knock first. "Come in" a voice said, ringing through the halls as you opened the door. "Hello Professor, you wanted to see me?" you asked, putting on a fake smile.

"Yes, I did. It's about Christmas break." he responded rather calmly. "Oh, that. I've been thinking about it as well, sir" you stated, sitting in a chair. "I have made arrangements for you to go home with someone of your choice. Your two options are Mr. Dovetail and Mr. Riddle. Their parents were the only one's willing to have you stay with them" he said with a reassuring smile

You froze. So, he doesn't know about the 'incident'. "I-I'll think about, sir" you managed to stammer out, smiling. "Alright, tell me when you've made your choice" he replied, warmly smiling. You said goodbye and walked out the door. Avery was waiting for you, leaning against a wall with one foot on the ground and the other on the wall.

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