Chapter One

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Kai Barton was different, but she was happy with who she was. She was skillful and strong, which showed in everything she did. Her parents and aunt were very proud of her, and all she ever wanted to do was make them happy. She worked her ass off to make them proud of her, even when she was told countless times that they were proud of her no matter what she did with her life. She wasn't like all the other girls her age. She wasn't into makeup, she didn't go crazy over the newest pair of shoes or clothes, and she didn't care for getting her nails done at all.

"Kai! Your Aunt Nat is on the phone for you!" Laura called, causing Kai to run down the stairs.

"Did she say what she wants, Mom?" Kai asked, as she walked into the kitchen.

Laura wasn't Kai's birth mother, but Kai loved her as if she was. Laura loved Kai like she was her own daughter, so when Clint and Laura married, Kai was given the mother she always wanted. Kai's birth mother had left her the moment she was born. Clint loved Kai as soon as he laid eyes on her, so he promised he'd never leave her like her birth mother had.

"No," Laura answered,"She just said she wanted to talk to you." and Kai nodded.

Laura handed the girl the phone, before getting back to making lunch for everyone.

"Hello?" Her voice rang through the phone, causing Natasha to let out a stressed sigh.

"I need you to not react badly to what I'm about to tell you, just to keep your mother and siblings calm," Natasha stated,"There's been an accident. Do you remember when your dad was called for a mission?" She asked, and Kai sighed shakily.

"Yes, only a couple days ago if I remember correctly." She answered, biting her lip.

"Well, he was working on guarding a tesseract. I'm not going into a long explanation, since I know you're stressing already. Long story short, Loki, a freaking god, showed up and took over Clint's mind," Natasha informed,"Kai, your father's been compromised, so I'm calling you in to help us get him back." She said, causing Kai to hold her breath for a moment.

"When?" Kai asked, smiling at her mother when she seen the woman glance over at her.

"I'm picking you up, and you'll be waiting for me while I get Doctor Banner. I will be there in an hour. Pack some things, and keep your brother and sister completely oblivious, even if you can't keep this from Laura." Natasha stated, before she hung up.

Kai set the phone down, and let out a shaky sigh. Laura knew just from the way Kai was talking on the phone that something was wrong. So, the mother walked over and placed a comforting hand on the girl's back, and grabbed her hands with the other.

"What's wrong?" Laura asked,"And don't bother lying, I know you and your father too well for you to be able to lie." She commented, causing Kai to nod.

"Something happened, and Dad's been compromised. I've been called in because they need all the hands they can get to get Dad back." Kai replied, laying her head on her mother's shoulder.

"Oh, sweetheart," Laura cooed,"I know you can do this. You'll be the one to bring Dad back to us. I have so much faith in you, and I know just how strong you are. I love you, and I promise Coop, Lila, and I will be safe here the entire time." She said, kissing the girl's cheek.

"I need to go pack. Aunt Nat will be here in an hour." Kai murmured, before walking out of the kitchen.

Laura was worried about Clint immensely, but she was definitely worried about Kai leaving as well. She couldn't lose one of them, so she really couldn't lose both of them. If something happened and either of them--or both of them--didn't come back, she wouldn't know how to handle it. She knew Kai was terrified of losing her father, so she was going to give the girl as many words of encouragement as she possibly could in the hour the girl had left at home before going on her mission. It was her first ever mission, and it was to save her father.

After twenty minutes, Kai was dressed and had a bag of clothes and things she'd need for the mission. She set the bag down on the kitchen counter, as Laura handed her a plate with a sandwich and some chips.

"Thank you, Mom." Kai said, and Laura smiled.

"I figured you'd need lunch before you left. There's no telling when you'll be able to eat again today." Laura replied, causing Kai to chuckle.

By the time she finished her food, a knock was heard on the door. Laura went over to the door and opens it. Natasha was waiting outside of the door, a smile not being evident on her face. Laura allowed the woman to enter the house, only for the woman to be bombarded with hugs by the youngest Bartons. Natasha smiled at them and hugged them close, before she promised to visit again soon. She grabbed Kai's bag and told her to say goodbye to her mother and siblings quickly. Kai hugged her brother and sister, before letting them go and eat their lunch. She then turned to her mother and wrapped her arms around the woman.

"I'm so proud of you. I believe in you, and I love you so much." Laura said, kissing the girl's cheek.

"I love you, too, Mom." Kai murmured, before pulling away from Laura.

After waving to her mother and siblings, Kai headed out to the car Natasha was waiting in. As soon as she climbed into the car, Natasha grabbed the girl's head firmly.

"You've got this." Natasha said, smiling sympathetically at the girl.

Natasha knew Kai was nervous, but she knew Kai was ready for this mission. Kai's first mission was going to be a success, and Natasha was beyond sure of it...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I probably won't quote things word for word when it comes to the movies, only because I don't do so on any of my other stories. I have bad memory sometimes, so I don't want to mess up because I want you guys to be happy with what I've written.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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