Chapter Twenty

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After their kiss, the two became closer than they had been before. They didn't label anything yet, since they weren't sure about what they were doing. All they knew was that they both liked each other, and they both felt a spark when they had kissed. Even though they hadn't labeled anything, didn't mean that they were going to pretend like nothing happened.

For the next couple of days, they kept everything a secret from everyone. They didn't want anyone butting into their relationship, or lack there of. They knew everyone meant well, but it didn't mean that they wanted everyone knowing about everything.

At times like this, Kai wished she had someone to really talk to. She could talk to Laura, but then there was a chance that Laura would tell Clint. Kai didn't want to talk to Natasha, at least, not yet. She loved Natasha, but she didn't know if her father was upset with the woman or not.

Pietro didn't really have anyone to talk to either, but after a day, he ended up calling his sister. He told her exactly what happened, and Wanda was excited with the news. She told the boy to ask Kai to be his girlfriend, but Pietro was nervous. He didn't know if she would agree, or if she would decide that the kiss meant nothing, and act like it never happened.

The angst of it all was very real, and it was a miracle that nobody really seemed to realize it. Honestly, Pietro and Kai needed to figure out just what they were going to do. Even if the didn't want to be together, at least they'd know what they were going to do. If they chose not to be together though, it would definitely become awkward in the household.

Anyhow, after two days, Pietro and Kai couldn't take it anymore. They had to figure everything out, since they were both tired of the nerves and angst it was causing them. So, the moment Clint and Laura had gone to bed, the two went down to the livingroom to talk.

"So, I know it's been two days, but we seriously need to figure this out. Dad is starting to get suspicious about why we've been awkwardly avoiding each other." Kai said, and Pietro sighed.

"Do you regret it?" He asked,"The kiss?"

"No," She shook her head,"Do you?" She asked, and he also shook his head.

"I was afraid that you did, and that you wanted to pretend it never happened." He commented, making the girl frown.

"I would never do that," She frowned,"but even if I did want to forget it and pretend it didn't happen, I would've told you, not just avoid you." She said, and he nodded.

"I know," He murmured,"but I can not help the way my mind works." He replied, causing her to smile.

"It's okay, Pietro," She laid her head on his shoulder,"I understand. My mind works the same way a lot, too." She voiced, making him smile as well.

The two sat in silence for a bit, and simply watched the rerun of an old show on the TV. They enjoyed each other's company while they could, before they decided they needed to talk some more. Their discussion wasn't over, it was just postponed a little bit.

"Do you want to be with me?" Pietro asked, looking down at the girl that had her head placed on his shoulder.

"I really do like you, Pietro," She replied,"and I want to be with you, if you want to be with me." She said, and he smiled.

"Yes, I want to be with you, my love." He answered, kissing the top of her head.

Once they had finally figured out what they wanted to do with their relationship, they were able to sit and relax. They snuggled together on the couch while watching TV. Around midnight, Pietro got up and grabbed a blanket for him and Kai to share. He laid the blanket over them, as he laid back on the couch, and allowed her to lay with him.

Kai used his chest as a pillow, as she slowly began to fall asleep. Pietro held her close as she slept, listening to the light breaths that escaped her mouth. Around an hour later, the boy fell asleep as well with his girlfriend wrapped in his arms.

Laura was the first one to wake up that morning. She found them on the couch, and a smile made its way on her face. She didn't tell Clint, but she did take a picture for them to have later. Once she had the picture, she walked over to them and carefully shook them away.

"You two should head upstairs before the kids wake up." Laura said, and the two nodded.

The two sleepily stumbled up the steps, and headed to their rooms. The moment Kai's head hit the pillow, she was fast asleep. Pietro fell asleep soon after as well, but in his own room. They definitely weren't going to be sleeping in the same room, at least, not anytime soon. Clint would have a heart attack.

Laura wondered if she should tell Clint what she had seen when she got up. She had caught them sleeping on the couch before, but never like they were this time. This time they seemed a lot closer, which made Laura happy, but also made her worry. She knew how protective Clint could be over his daughter when it came to boys.

She didn't want to cause problems between Clint and Pietro. Pietro was such a good boy, and he didn't need to be hated because he liked Kai. If Clint didn't know, he couldn't hate Pietro. Clint would eventually figure it out on his own, but for now, what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him. Laura just had to do what was best for everyone, and that was by keeping everything to herself unless it was absolutely necessary not to...

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