Chapter Twenty Four

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The day had come for Pietro to show Kai their new house. He was excited, more than he had ever been before. He was also very nervous, which was to be expected. For all he knew, Kai could decide that she didn't like the house, and wanted to stay with her mother and father.

Pietro felt his heart beat quicken more than it already was. She had gotten dressed for the day and came down to breakfast. Everyone, but her, had already been up for an hour. Truth be told, Pietro barely slept because of excitement and worry. He was worried she wouldn't like the house and would rather stay with her parents, but he was excited that she may move in with him and love the house that he and Clint had built for her.

"Everyone is up early," Kai commented,"normally Pietro is asleep for another hour, and I have to heat up his breakfast when he wakes up." She added, making the others chuckle.

"Well, today is a new day, Kai." Clint replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"You're acting weird." She retorted, giving him a side eye.

Kai sat with the family and ate her breakfast. She didn't have a clue what was going on, and why everyone seemed so upbeat. Well, the children were always upbeat, and so was Laura most of the time, but Clint and Pietro seemed to be way more upbeat than they usually were.

After breakfast, Kai helped Laura with the dishes. Clint and Pietro were texting back and forth on their phones. They couldn't talk outloud, since Kai was in the room. Kai didn't purposely eavesdrop on people's conversations, but they were in the same room as her, so it wouldn't exactly be her fault if she overheard something.

"You want to come see something when you're done?" Clint asked, catching Kai's attention.

"If it's the fuel pump on the truck again, I told you I'll help you fix it tomorrow." Kai replied, causing her father to roll his eyes.

"No, it's not that, smartass." He retorted, and she laughed.

"Fine, I'll go checkout whatever you want to show me." She answered, causing him to smile.

"Actually, it's more Pietro that wants to show you, Laura and I are just observing." He said, making her raise an eyebrow, but she didn't bother questioning what he meant.

Kai and Laura finished the dishes soon enough, and Kai dried her hands off with a dish towel. Pietro quickly got up and tied a blindfold around Kai's head. She questioned him, but he simply shushed her. He wasn't giving away any secrets, and neither was anyone else.

Pietro held her shoulders and guided her across the yard until they were in front of the house. Clint and Laura were right behind them. Pietro carefully took the blindfold off of Kai's eyes. Kai looked around with furrowed eyebrows as she stared at the house.

"What's this?" She asked,"When did this get here?"

"Your dad and I have been working on it foe a while," Pietro answered,"What do you think?" He questioned, motioning to the house.

"Why did you build a house?" She asked, feeling very curious.

"For us!" Pietro exclaimed happily,"so you and I can live here." He added, making her smile.

"Can I see inside?" She asked, and Pietro nodded.

"We all worked on the inside," Clint commented,"I hope you like it." He added, making Kai bite her lip with anticipation.

Pietro opened the door and Kai stepped inside. Immediately she was hit with the smell of vanilla and coconut, her absolute favorite scents. She looked around and seen scent diffusers plugged into the wall. As she walked around the inside of the house, she couldn't help but admire it. Everything was absolutely perfect and beautiful.

"This is amazing," She complimented,"I love it."

"So, do you want to move in with me?" Pietro asked, giving Kai a big grin.

"Yes!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Pietro.

"We can go pack whatever you want to bring here," Clint said,"and I'll take you shopping for food later." He added, and Kai happily agreed.

The four headed back to the Barton house, and went straight up to Kai's room to pack her things. She only needed her clothes, shoes, books, and a few other things she wanted to take. A lot of her stuff she left at the Barton home, for just in case she wanted to come back. She also knew she'd spend the night sometimes, so she didn't want everything to be gone. It would always be her second home after all.

Once she had all of her things packed, Clint used his truck to haul it over to her new house. Pietro promised to put everything away, while she went shopping for food with her father. By the time they had gotten back to the house, Pietro had everything unpacked and put away, and he was waiting on the porch to help them bring stuff inside.

Kai, Pietro, and Clint carried in all of the food and drinks that Kai bought, before Clint said his goodbyes and headed back to the Barton house. Kai and Pietro then spent time putting all the groceries away. It didn't take long, since Pietro worked really fast.

"What are we having for dinner?" Pietro asked, as he watched Kai admire their kitchen.

"I'm thinking of making chicken and broccoli casserole," She replied,"is that okay with you?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Anything you make will be good with me. I love when you cook." He said, making a smile appear on her face.

"Want to help?" She asked, and again he nodded.

Kai and Pietro worked together to make dinner in their new kitchen. It felt different only cooking for two people, but it was definitely enjoyable nonetheless. They had fun, and they were together the entire time. Living together was going to be an experience that they both would seem to enjoy...

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