Chapter Eight

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Clint had heard Evan's car pull into his driveway. The father had been working on his truck, when he heard the car approach. He could see the asshole step out of his car and head towards the door. He wanted to stop Evan, but he knew he had to wait for the boy to at least be close to the house, so he could stop him. Clint watched as Evan knocked on the door and Laura opened it.

"What are you doing here?" Laura asked, crossing her arms.

"I need to talk to Kai. She and I had a misunderstanding the other night, and I want her to forgive me." Evan replied, making Laura scoff.

"Why should she forgive you?" Laura asked,"You acted like a complete jerk to my little girl." She retorted, causing the boy to scoff.

"As if, she was the one being a jerk. I mean, who acts like that in public, making everyone think I'm a bad guy. Hell, she refused to kiss me or-or, well everything else doesn't matter." He rambled, before Clint had enough of him.

Clint stood from his spot near the truck and stomped up to the boy standing on his front porch.

"You need to get off my property, now." Clint spat, causing the boy to jump.

"What? Why?" He asked, crossing his arms,"I just want to talk to Kai. She has to talk to me." He said, but Clint shook his head.

"Absolutely not, get off my property before you get an arrow in your ass for the way you treated my daughter." Clint replied, causing the boy to sigh.

Evan started walking back to his car, before he turned back around to face Clint once again.

"Y'know, you shouldn't be so overbearing on your daughter. If she doesn't want to talk, she should tell me. She shouldn't be such a--" Evan began, before Clint cut him off.

"You call her a bitch, and I'll knock your teeth out," Clint spat, taking a step towards Evan, causing the boy to take a step back,"She came home crying last night. She told me what you did, and if I ever see you around here again, you'll be leaving in a body bag. You don't talk to her that way, you don't look at her like she's less than you, and you sure as hell don't try to kiss her or touch her in any way she's uncomfortable with, otherwise I might just cut your hands off. Do you understand?" Clint sneered, and the boy simply nodded, too scared to open his mouth.

Evan headed towards his car again, and as he grabbed the handle to open the driver door, Clint called out to him.

"You better be happy her Aunt Nat isn't here, otherwise you wouldn't be leaving alive today." Clint said, before he turned and walked back to fix his truck.

Evan scrambled into his car, and drove like a bat out of hell the moment his car was on. Clint had chuckled at the boy's reaction, but he was happy that the boy was scared. He hoped the boy would go back and tell all his friends not to mess with Kai, otherwise they'd have to deal with Clint, and Clint could definitely be scary when he wanted to be.

"Dad!" Clint heard, pulling him from his mind.

Clint looked towards the house, and seen Kai headed his way.

"What are you working on?" She asked, as she stopped at the truck.

"Just different parts I've been meaning to replace for the last year or so," He replied, and she nodded,"Why? Do you want to help?" He asked, smiling towards his oldest daughter.

"Yes, if you'll let me." She replied, causing him to nod.

Clint moved over and handed her a couple tools, and she smiled. He told her what he was replacing, and she was easily able to help him without many other questions. Kai was different, so she could catch on to things easier than most people. She was able to do things most other kids couldn't, and she was very conscious of that fact.

Laura watched out the window of the kitchen, and she held a smile on her face. She grabbed her camera and took a few pictures, knowing she could put them in the scrapbook she made for Kai years ago. Laura had made scrapbooks for each of her children, but she had two for Kai, since Kai was older and had more pictures.

When Laura was in a sentimental mood, she would flip through the scrapbooks and smile at all of the pictures she had taken over the years. Matter of fact, the only other person who knew of the scrapbooks was Clint. Laura had decided to keep them a secret from the children, so when they were older and moving out on their own, they would have scrapbooks to remember their childhood. Laura knew Kai would be seeing the books sooner than the other children, since she was the oldest, but neither parents wanted their girl to move out.

A couple hours later, Laura called Kai and Clint in for lunch, and when they came inside she laughed. They were both covered in dirt, grease, and little bits of grass from laying on the ground. Laura made them wash their hands, before they sat down to eat, and she took another picture of them, but luckily Kai didn't see the picture being taken.

Kai and Clint joked around together as they ate, and Laura could tell that Kai was forgetting about everything Evan did to make her upset. She was no longer crying, and the smile seemed to actually reach her eyes. Kai was never one to dwell on things, unless it came to her family, but her parents had been worried that Evan would cause her a long heartbreak for how he treated her, but that didn't seem to be the case. She was happy, and that's all her family could as for. She wouldn't let the way Evan treated her rule over her life for more than a couple of days...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I wasn't sure how I wanted this one to go, but I hope it turned out fine.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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