Chapter Twenty One

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The day had come for them to finally be heroes again. It was a day sooner than Kai believed it would be. She had been watering the peach trees when Clint had come to her saying it was time for them to go. She had to suit up, and they had to leave as soon as possible.

Before they could head to help Steve, they had to pick up Wanda, and a man named Scott Lang, or better known as Ant Man. He slept pretty much the entire way, but Kai didn't mind. She couldn't stand someone who talked all the time, especially when they were nervous or overly excited.

Wanda and Pietro talked quietly for a good bit of the journey, before they had included Kai in their conversation. Clint simply listened to them all talk, and he didn't butt into the conversation unless he had a witty reply or something else to say.

When they arrived, they stepped out of the big van to see Steve, Sam, and Steve's friend, Bucky Barnes. Bucky was the man that everyone had come to try and help. Steve believed he was innocent and framed for the death of King T'Chaka, and Kai believed him.

Soon, everyone was standing across from Tony and his team. Tony's team consisted of Vision, Natasha, Rhodey, Black Panther, and a new guy. They didn't get introduced to the new guy until it was time to attack, but when the person talked, Kai could tell the boy was a teenager, but not an old teenager. He couldn't be older than fourteen or fifteen, which really did bother her, since she was mad at Tony for recruiting someone so young.

Kai went against Natasha first, which wasn't very easy, but it wasn't too hard. Natasha went easy on Kai, because even though they were on opposite sides, Kai was still her niece and she loved the girl to pieces. Kai didn't want to hurt Natasha either, so they were both somewhat pulling their punches.

When Kai went against the new recruit, better known as Spider-Man, she knew she had to be fast. Spider-Man was quick on his feet, and he had the advantage of using webs to stop people and things. He was also very strong, which wasn't a surprise. Kai actually wanted to know where he came up with the idea to be Spider-Man, and how he figured out how to do all the cool things that went with the idea.

Rhodey and Tony weren't easy to fight at all. They were decked out in their iron suits, meaning not much could touch them. Steve, Bucky, and Wanda were the only ones that could do any real damage to Rhodey and Tony. Scott could too, but he had to be either way bigger or way tinier than them.

Vision definitely wasn't easy to fight at all. He could become transparent when he wanted to be, and he could shoot strong beams from his forehead. Honestly, Kai wanted to call him "Forehead" from now on, after how many times she seen him shoot beams with it. He was just an all around undeafeatable robot thing.

Black Panther was rather unknown to Kai. She knew very little about him, other than him being from Wakanda. She knew he was the son of the king that had died, but she didn't know much else from that. She found out the hard way that he had claws that hurt like hell. She had actually gotten a few cuts on her arm from his claws. It really hurt, but she pretended like she hadn't felt it.

After a while, the team realized that the only way to save Bucky, was to pretty much give themselves over. When Kai was grabbed, she was thrown into the back of the truck with Pietro and Wanda. Clint was locked in another truck with Sam and Scott. He wanted to be with his daughter, but at least he knew that she was with Pietro and Wanda. He trusted them.

When they were brought to the prison-like building, Kai recieved medical attention for the cuts on her arm. She was then thrown into a cell on her own. Everyone was given their own cells, no one was allowed to share. Her cell was across from her father's, but right next to Pietro's.

Both young adults were pissed that Wanda had a collar on that detained her magic, as well as a straight jacket to keep her from trying anything. Pietro was chained to the floor by his ankle, so he couldn't try to run and get out of the building. There wasn't any extra precautions for Kai, but her arm was in a sling to keep her from pulling the bandages and stitches.

When Tony came around asking questions and trying to see where Steve and Bucky were, Kai refused to even look at him. In that moment, she hated him more than anything. He let the government lock them in cages, and he didn't even try to save them. He was just as bad as them, if not worse.

She sat down on the bed provided in her cell, and laid her back against the wall. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, allowing the silence to envelope her. She was mad, but she didn't want to take it out on everyone. If someone tried to talk to her, other than her family or friends, she would definitely blow up on them.

The girl sighed quietly, knowing she wouldn't get out of the building for a while. She wasn't sure if she'd ever get out of the building, or if she would be stuck in there for years. She didn't want to spend half her life in a cell. Just thinking about it made tears build in her eyes. She was terrified of being stuck in that cell forever. She wouldn't be able to handle it very long, and for every moment she was stuck in there, she became more and more angry with the government and Tony Stark...

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