Chapter Fifteen

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People were being horded as fast as possible to safety. Kai was out with Steve collecting people; ones that she found hiding or under pieces of rubble. Some people were hurt, but they were going to live. As long as they lived, that's all that mattered to Kai. She didn't care how much work it took, as long as most people made it out alive. She wanted to shed a tear every time she seen a dead body, but she had to stay strong, otherwise she'd never get her job done.

Kai had even saved a couple dogs, since they were close to the ships when she was running out to get more survivors.

"More bots are headed your way." She heard, causing her to ready her gun.

Three bots came her way, and she shot at them while running in the opposite direction from the surviors she had just seen moments ago.

"Steve, there's surviors in the left building, across from the police station. They're trapped in a room on the bottom floor." Kai told Steve through the ear pieces.

Once Kai had finally taken down the bots, she ran in the direction of the building where she seen the trapped survivors. She and Steve fought through the rubble and glass to get to the survivors. Since there was a large piece of concrete blocking their path, Kai had to help the survivors over the concrete and to Steve. She had to do one at a time, since she practically had to pick them up over the concrete. Lucky for her, it was all women and children. Apparently it was some type of school or community center.

"Let's go! We don't have time to wander!" Steve exclaimed, as Kai grabbed the last kid from behind the concrete.

"Here, the final survivor." Kai replied, passing the kid to Steve over the concrete.

"Jump, I've got you." Steve told her, and she nodded.

Kai quickly jumped from the rubble, and Steve caught her quickly. As soon as Steve placed her on the ground, the girl took off running towards the ships. The problem was, she heard a little kid's cry, causing her to stop and turn around.

"Keep going!" Steve yelled, but she didn't listen.

Kai ran off to the sound of the child, and she found a little five year old with her hand trapped by concrete. Kai cursed to herself, before she used all of her body weight to pull on the concrete. Once there was a little room, the girl's hand fell, and Kai sighed in relief. She quickly scooped up the girl, and cradled her broken and bleeding hand to her chest.

Kai placed the girl on the ship, before stepping back off to see if there were anymore cries that she could hear. She heard a mother cry out for her son, but she wasn't as close as Clint was. She had already gone out a bit further. She watched her father run to the boy and pick him up, but the problem wasn't over.

The two adults looked up and seen a bot flying at them shooting. Kai's heart dropped when she realized that there wasn't a way for her to get out of the line of fire. Her gun was empty and her knife wasn't going to save her life.

"Dad!" She yelled, causing him to turn around.

"Go!" He yelled back, but it was too late.

Clint turned around with the boy in his arms to protect him, but before he could be shot with any bullets, Pietro lifted a car to protect him. Pietro moved fast, but not fast enough. The time it took him to lift the car, Kai was shot twice. He grabbed her and turned to where his body was blocking hers, making him get shot the last few times. When the bullets stopped, Clint looked up and seen his daughter and Pietro. Both had blood on their bodies, which scared the hell out of him.

"You didn't see that coming?" Pietro asked, as he wobbled.

Both his and Kai's eyes closed, before the two collapsed on to the ground. Kai was still wrapped in Pietro's arms, as they laid unconscious on the ground.

"No!" Clint exclaimed, as Steve sent the kid to the ship with his mother.

Clint ran over to Pietro and Kai, his breathing erratic. He placed his fingers on their necks to see if they still had a pulse, and though both pulses were weak, they were still alive.

"Thank god." Clint murmured, as he placed his hand on his daughter's arm.

Steve ran back over to Clint's side, and helped him lift the teenagers. Clint held his daughter, as Steve held Pietro, and they ran to the ship. Two women came over and placed jackets on the ground for pillows, before the Avengers laid Kai and Pietro on the ground. Two paramedics came to their side to try and save the teenagers.

"God, Laura is going to kill me." Clint said, as he looked down at his daughter.

Clint held the girl's hand tightly, hoping she would squeeze his hand back to show him that she was going to make it. Pietro and Kai were bleeding profusely, though Pietro's body would heal faster than Kai's—or so they believed from how fast he was. The idea was that his molecules moved fast, so his healing rate should be fast, but no one could be sure.

Moments later, Wanda ran on to the ship with tears rolling down her face. She fell down to the ground by the teens and rubbed their heads lightly with her hands. She felt horrible that Pietro and Kai were hurt, but she felt even worse knowing that if Kai and Pietro died, Kai would've died without forgiving them. Biting her lip, the girl used a little bit of her power to give both teens nice thoughts to hopefully keep them from choosing to stop fighting. They needed to fight, otherwise she would lose her twin brother, and the girl she knew was going to be important to both of them...

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