Chapter Twenty Three

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After he had talked to Kai, Clint realized why Pietro was building with him. Pietro wanted to build it for himself and Kai. Pietro wanted to build a house for Kai, and Clint had been helping him for a while without evening knowing it. Honestly, Clint felt a sense of pride when he realized that Pietro was found through such lengths for Kai.

Clint could tell that the boy truly loved his daughter, even if Kai claimed they hadn't said the words yet. It would be only a few short weeks until the house was completed, and only a few short weeks before Kai and Pietro revealed that they loved each other. Clint was sure that they would say the words once Kai was shown the house Pietro built for her.

Since Pietro had the super speed, he was able to put things into place a lot faster than two normal people would. Clint did a lot of the wiring and stuff like that, but Pietro did most of the building. The guys both worked well together, so after building a house, the two would most likely build some other things as well.

After getting most of the house complete, other than painting and decorating, Pietro and Clint went shopping for furniture. Pietro had taken quite a bit of cash from Tony when they had went to rescue Wanda from the compound. He had taken around five grand, so they had plenty ready for when Pietro needed to buy things for the house.

Clint and Pietro filled up Clint's truck with furniture two times before the house was furnished. They then had to go out and buy appliances like a washer and dryer. Those things were very pricey, but Pietro wasn't worried. He and Clint had Laura help them paint the house and decorate it the way she believed Kai would like it. The only reason Kai didn't know about the house already, was because it was further down on the property, and everyone had worked their ass off to keep her from looking around and finding it.

Once the house was painted and decorated, Clint and Pietro began to put the furniture together and place it in the rooms where it belonged. They then had to go back to the store for other things they needed to get, like pots, pans, bedding, plates, silverware, bathroom products, towels, and things like that. It was another full load, but it needed to be done.

Clint and Pietro set everything where it needed to go, and all of the setting up took about a day. Pietro had decided to let Kai shop for the food, since he knew she'd know what to get and what she liked. Truth be told, he never really knew what food was available in the Barton home, he just ate whenever food was given to him.

Anyhow, Pietro planned to surprise Kai with the house in a couple of days. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect inside before he surprised her with it. He didn't want her finding any problems with the house, even if it was as miniscule as a missing shower curtain. There were three bedrooms in the house, and two bathrooms. They had built a basement, which they thought would be safe for severe weather.

Clint and Laura had a basement on their house, so Pietro figured it'd be a good idea for his and Kai's. He had decided that a small attic would work too, which would be where they'd keep things they didn't need often; such as Christmas decorations or gift supplies. Pietro had thought of everything, which made Clint and Laura very happy.

Laura was so excited for Kai's reaction. When Clint had showed Laura the house, and asked her to help paint and decorate, the woman was ecstatic. She hadn't expected Pietro to do something so amazing, but to see all the work he and Clint put into the house really put things into perspective. They had worked so hard, so Pietro could give something amazing to Kai.

When Kai was little, she use to tell Laura all about how perfect her life was going to be. She would tell her that she was going to have a nice house, the perfect boyfriend, and be happier than anyone had ever been. Then when she got older, she started to tell Laura all about her life as a super hero like her Daddy. Honestly, Kai's life plan took a big one eighty, but everything seemed to tie together nicely.

"I can't wait until she sees what you two did for her." Laura commented, as she laid next to Clint in bed.

"She'll be so happy." Clint murmured, smiling to himself.

"You two worked so hard on that house. I wouldn't be surprised if the house made her pass out from happiness." She jokingly said, making Clint chuckle.

"Don't jinx it," Clint replied,"I don't think she wants to take a trip to the hospital because she decided to pass out and bust her head open or somthing."

"Pietro would catch her," Laura answered,"I believe he'll always catch her. He took bullets for her Clint, I doubt he'd ever let anything happen to the girl."

"I can't believe my little girl is growing up, and soon she won't need me anymore." He said, causing Laura to frown.

"She'll always need you," Laura replied,"You're her father, her protector, and the one man she can always count on to never break her heart." She added, and Clint simply nodded.

Clint knew he wasn't losing Kai, but knowing that she had gotten a boyfriend, and would soon be moving in with said boyfriend made him sad. He was going to miss having her around the house all the time. Yes, there was a good chance she and Pietro would be around a lot, but that didn't really make a difference. She was still going to be moving out, and that made his chest hurt just a little bit more...

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