Chapter Seven

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The date was horrible. Evan had told Kai that the date was at a nice diner, but that she didn't have to dress too nice. He wanted her to feel comfortable, and she believed him. Clint had met Evan outside, and refused to let the boy inside, since he felt like something wasn't right about him. He made sure that Kai had her location on at all times, so he wouldn't be able to lose her because of this boy.

Laura and Clint had watched from the window, as Evan and Kai went to Evan's car. Evan was seventeen, soon to be eighteen, and Clint wasn't a huge fan of the age difference. Anyhow, the parents watched from the window, as Kai climbed into the car, and Evan simply got in and slammed his door.

"He didn't even open the door for her. There's strike one." Clint commented, and Laura merely nodded.

Two hours later, Kai came home and stomped into the house. It was only eight o'clock, so her brother and sister were still awake. She stalked straight up to her room, and slammed the door shut behind her. The parents shared a glance, before Laura went up to the room, and Clint watched out the window, as Evan pulled away.

"Kai, can I come in?" Laura asked, as she lightly tapped on the door.

Kai gave her a quiet response, before Laura entered the young girl's room. Laura's eyes widened when she seen her little girl laying on the bed with tears rolling down her face. The woman quickly went over, sat down beside her, and pulled the girl into an embrace.

"What happened?" Laura asked, as she soothed the girl's hair.

"Evan's an ass." Kai murmured, burying her face in her mother's belly.

"What did he do?" The mother asked, feeling anger rise within her.

"It was fine at first, he was nice, but then it all just went down hill. He brought me to a sushi restaurant after I told him repeatedly I hated sushi. He scolded me for not wearing something fancy, after he changed plans last minute. He got angry at me and told me we could go somewhere else, but I thought he was mad about the sushi, so I told him I would find something suitable on the menu, and he yelled at me. Then he tried to act like it didn't happen, and started asking me about the Avengers, saying he seen me with them on TV, and he knew I was one. I refused to talk about them, so he got angry at me again, and slammed his hand down on the table. I jumped, y'know, so I grabbed my knife out of instinct and he swore I threatened him. When we got here, he said he was sorry, and not to tell Dad, and that he'd be back to bring me on a better date later, but I don't want to go. I hate him. I thought he was better than this." Kai cried, making Laura's heart break.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know this is hard, but we do need to tell Dad. He can make sure Evan never shows his face around here again, and he'll never be able to contact you. Aunt Nat will know as well though, cause you know your dad can't keep a secret from her." Laura said, making the other girl laugh quietly.

"Will you lay down with me?" Kai asked, and Laura nodded.

Laura quickly slid off her house shoes, before slipping Kai's shoes off as well. She then grabbed the big blue fuzzy blanket Kai had, and placed it over Kai. She laid down next to her daughter and wrapped her arms around her, after pulling the blanket around herself as well. Kai buried her face in her mother's chest, as she hugged her tightly.

"I love you, Mommy." Kai murmured, feeling like a little kid again from all her crying.

"I love you, my sweet girl." Laura replied, kissing the girl's head.

Kai slowly fell asleep, as Laura ran her fingers through the young girl's hair. Clint had sat and worried for a while, before he went up the stairs and straight to Kai's room. He lightly knocked, but when he didn't get a response, he opened the door and his heart shattered. He seen the tearstains on his little girl's face, and he seen how she was holding on to Laura. Clint knew instantly that this boy had hurt his little girl, he just wasn't sure exactly how.

Since Laura and Kai were asleep, he quietly closed the door and went back downstairs to put Cooper and Lila to bed. He made sure they stayed quiet so they wouldn't wake their sister or mother. If they did, they knew they would be in trouble.

"What's the matter with Kai, Daddy?" Cooper asked, as Clint tucked him into bed.

"A boy broke your sister's heart," Clint replied,"and that's forbidden. If a boy ever breaks one of your sisters' hearts, you've got to hurt him. So, tomorrow when Kai wakes up, I'm going to break the boy's back." He said, causing Cooper's eyes to widen.

"But hurting someone is bad." Cooper commented, and Clint nodded.

"Yeah, it is, but not when they hurt someone you love first." Clint replied, giving Cooper a stern look.

Clint ruffled his son's hair, before telling him goodnight. He then went to Lila and tucked her in, kissed her head, and turned off her light. Once the two youngest were in bed, he went back to Kai's room and opened the door. He turned on her fan, knowing she couldn't sleep without it, before he kissed her and his wife on the head. He decided not to wake his wife, knowing his daughter needed her more than he did. After making sure they were fine, he went to his room and changed into sleep clothes. He laid down in bed with a sigh, and ran his hand over his face. He wasn't sure what happened, but the boy had hurt Kai, and the boy was going to pay for making her cry...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Her date outfit is in media. I know the relationship didn't last, but I wanted some more drama for the story. I will probably change a few things up in AOU so Kai and Pietro get some time together, but I'm not sure yet.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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