Chapter Nine

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Kai eventually got over how Evan had treated her, but she never did try to find herself another boyfriend. She had decided to keep to herself, and her father liked that idea a lot. He didn't have to worry about another boy hurting his little girl. He knew eventually she would find another boyfriend, but until such time, he was able to rest easy knowing she didn't have a boy messing with her head or heart.

Anyhow, months had passed, before Kai and Clint were called on another mission that needed the Avengers. Kai hadn't believed it, but according to her dad and her Aunt Nat, she was a part of the Avengers. Nick Fury had supposedly made sure of the fact that Kai was an Avenger. 

Clint didn't actually want his daughter in on the action, since he knew it was going to be dangerous. So, he had decided she would stay hidden, and only come out if absolutely necessary. She had argued with him, seeing as Bruce was going out, and he hadn't completely trusted the big green rage monster. Apparently the argument wasn't good enough to work on her father though, since he still didn't allow the girl to go out and fight.

That whole argument changed later though, when Natasha had announced through her ear piece that Clint had been hit. Kai felt her heart skip a beat at the announcement, but she had to be strong. She was really worried about him though, so the minute Thor had brought him to the jet, Kai started grabbing things to try and stop the bleeding and patch him up as best she could.

"What happened?" Kai asked, as she grabbed a couple towels to place on the wound.

"An enhanced; there was two of them. One was really fast, and he knocked me off my game—got me shot." Clint answered, hissing from the pain Kai caused when she pressed the towel firmly against Clint's wound.

"You're getting old, Dad. Maybe you should leave the fighting up to the young guys out there." She joked, causing him to scoff.

"Yeah, young my ass. There's no way Stark is younger than me, and Cap is almost one hundred. Thor is over a thousand years old, I'm one of the youngest guys out there." He argued, and she laughed.

"Whatever you say." She murmured, patting his arm teasingly.

Soon, the team was back at the jet with Loki's scepter. Tony had retrieved it from inside of the building. Anyhow, Natasha flew them back to the Avengers tower for Clint to be fixed up. Kai couldn't help but watch in amazement as Clint's body was fixed with a synthetic material. She did hear him tell the doctor he didn't have a girlfriend, which caused Kai to smirk to herself, knowing nobody but Natasha knew about Laura.

"I'm going out to get some food. I'll be back later." Kai commented, and the others nodded.

"Pick me up a few burgers, would ya?" Tony asked, as he handed the girl his credit card.

"Gotcha, Iron Maiden." She replied, leaving the room immediately after.

Kai had went to a Chinese restaurant and got herself some general tsos chicken and fried rice, and she also got some for her father since he was hurt. She then went to the burger place Tony loved, and she ordered close to thirty burgers. She knew Natasha, Bruce, Thor, Steve, and Tony were most likely starving. She also got them some fries to go with their burgers. She then stopped at Starbucks and picked up a Frappuccino for herself and a coffee for her father. All together, she had spent around one hundred dollars on food for everyone.

When she got back to the Tower, Steve was downstairs waiting on her, since she had texted her dad that she needed help carrying everything up. Steve grabbed the bags of burgers and bag of fries, as Kai grabbed the Chinese food and Starbucks. The two used the elevator and went up to the level everyone was waiting at. When they walked in with food, they were bombarded by people wanting food.

"I got you Chinese and coffee like me, since you were hurt." Kai told Clint, and he grinned.

"You're the best."He replied, causing her to nod.

"I know," She answered, giving him a smirk,"Here's your card back, Stark." She said, as she handed Tony his credit card.

"I'm surprised you remembered which place I like best for my burgers." He commented, and she shrugged.

"I remember the most important things, Stark, and food is something very important to me." She replied, causing him to laugh.

Once they were done eating, Kai decided she wanted to lay in her room in the Tower and watch some movies. Clint had agreed to sit with her, even though she had picked to watch Harry Potter—which she had seen quite a few times. She loved those movies, and she would watch them over and over, never getting bored or even slightly uninterested.

"One of these days, I'm going to take you to the wizarding world to get whatever you want." Clint commented, and Kai smiled.

"I like the sound of that," She replied,"but you don't have to do that. I know everything there is expensive." She added, causing him to frown.

Clint hated the idea that Kai believed she wasn't worth spending money on. She accepted gifts, yes, but she hated when people spent money on her—and she had told him before that it was because she wasn't worth spending a lot on. He hated it, but he knew if he talked to the team, Tony would definitely pay for everything, and he would make her go—no arguments allowed.

Kai was a sweet girl, and she knew she was important and worth a lot, but she never felt like she was worth a lot of money. Money wasn't easy to come across, so she didn't want people thinking she needed hundreds of dollars spent on her to be happy. She refused it often to be honest...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, like I may have stated before, this book ends at the end of AOU, but I've come up with an idea for the sequel that you guys will be very happy to read.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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