Chapter Twenty Nine

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A couple of months passed, but the months had been filled with things they had to do. First, they had to go to a funeral for Tony Stark. Pepper had the funeral at her house, and Kai had cried silently. She felt even worse when she realized that Tony Stark's little girl wouldn't have him growing up.

Kai would've never survived her life without her father. Clint was her best friend and biggest supporter throughout her entire life, and she would've been lost without him. Honestly, she wished she could get Tony back for the girl, but there would be no chance for that to happen. He was gone, and that was the only way for them to get rid of Thanos.

After the funeral, Steve Rogers was given the task of going back in time to deliver all of the stones to their correct locations. Steve had decided to stay back in time with his old girlfriend, Peggy Carter. Kai didn't understand why he'd choose a woman over his best friend, especially after everything he did for the man, but she didn't say anything. She kept her opinions to herself, she knew at least Sam would watch over the man.

After Steve had left, Kai decided that they should have a small funeral for Natasha. She believed the woman deserved the little bit of recognition that Kai could give her. Kai cried at the funeral, but at least she was able to somewhat say goodbye. She'd always miss the woman, but at least the woman would always be in her heart.

Though they didn't know Peter well, they had offered to help Peter when he had to go against Mysterio. The two had traveled to help him, but there wasn't much they could do. The man was smart, and very creative, but the heroes worked together.

They hadn't expected Mysterio to tell the world Peter's identity. Kai and Pietro felt horrible, and there wasn't anyway for them to change what had happened. They had to watch as Peter's life seemed to spiral. Then came the weird things.

Pietro and Kai had stayed in New York for a bit to help Peter, but then Peter had gone to Doctor Strange for a little help. Long story short, something happened, and all of a sudden guys from different universes started showing up. Kai and Pietro were not ready for that, but they helped Peter trap them.

Kai and Pietro had been the first ones to find Peter after Aunt May had been killed. Kai wrapped her arms around Peter, and let him cry as he buried his face in her neck. She simply held him and let him break down in her arms. When his friends showed up, he tried to act stronger.

With his friends, came to other guys claiming to be Peter Parker. Apparently they had been from the other universes as well. Pietro and Kai didn't know if she should believe them, but they seemed harmless enough, so she didn't threaten them like she would've if she thought they were dangerous.

The men promised to help Peter with the bad guys, and they all planned to cure them of whatever was wrong. Kai didn't know too much science and stuff, neither did Pietro, so they were kind of just there as moral support. Peter was glad to have them though, because he felt like the Avengers didn't complete disband and leave him on his own.

Peter's friend, Ned, had used the ring of Doctor Strange and created a portal. The five super heroes climbed out on to the statue of liberty, and waited for the bad guys to show up. It wasn't an easy fight, especially since Kai was technically a plain human, she just knew how to kick ass and shoot almost every weapon.

After defeating the bad guys, they had to be sent home. The problem was, more and more bad guys were trying to come through from other universes. Peter decided it'd be best if everyone forgot who he was, which was the only real option they had. Kai and Pietro said goodbye to Peter, but not long after, they forgot who the boy was.

The couple went back to the farmhouse, and by then Laura had everything ready for the wedding. Since everyone was technically gone, not many people were invited. Wanda had decided to come though, which made Pietro very happy. Sam had come, and so did Pepper, Morgan, Happy, and Rhodey. A few others showed up as well, but the wedding would've been bigger had other people still been around.

"I have loved you since the the moment I laid eyes on you, and I will love you always. You are my forever, you are my world, and I will always have you by my side. I will never love another as I love you, and I will cherish every moment together that we have until the day we die," Pietro stated,"I love you, Kai Barton."

"When I first met you, I thought you were weird, but you were definitely very handsome. When you saved me from being killed, I knew you were going to be someone special to me. And now, to have you, and be able to call you mine forever, I don't think I could ever ask for anything better," Kai said,"I love you, Pietro Maximoff."

Soon, the two kissed and everyone there cheered. They were finally married, something they should've been able to do five years ago, but Thanos took that away from them. They were meant to marry each other so long ago, but to them it wasn't that long ago. They didn't feel like five years had passed, since they weren't exactly awake to feel it.

Being married was definitely something Kai had been looking forward to. She wanted to be married to the man she loved dearly. The wedding day was amazing, and they'd always remember it, and remember everyone that was there, and everyone that was gone before the day could come...

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