Chapter Sixteen

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Almost three weeks passed before Kai Barton woke up. Her father was sitting by her side when she woke up. He hadn't expected her to wake, so when she did, he was actually startled. He couldn't believe she was awake though, and all the happiness he felt was practically radiating off of him.

Tony had come into the room soon after to check on her, and he was surprised to see that she had healed rather well. That same day though, Pietro had woken up as well. It was as if he was just waiting on her to wake up before he did. His sister and Vision were the ones waiting at his bedside.

When Laura had found out what happened to Kai, she was admittedly pissed off. She wanted to kill whoever hurt her baby, and Clint understood her rage. He kept her updated on Kai's condition, since he didn't want her and the kids coming to see Kai in such a condition.

He knew they loved her, and she knew they loved her, and that's all that mattered. Besides, Kai wouldn't want them to see her in such bad shape either. She looked like a zombie if she was honest, but that was only because she was pale and hadn't had her hair brushed since the fight against Ultron. Natasha had tried to fix the girl's hair, but it pretty much proved to be impossible.

Natasha had visited the girl barely thirty minutes after she woke up. The woman was so glad that the girl was awake. It actually looked like she was crying, but Natasha doesn't cry, and if Kai told anyone that she did, then there'd be consequences. Obviously the consequences wouldn't be too severe since Kai was already in a hospital bed, but not getting pudding was a good punishment.

"How bad am I still?" Kai asked, as she looked over at Tony.

"Well, you're almost completely healed, which is a surprise. I was hoping you'd let me run a blood test to see how that happened." He commented, and Kai nodded.

"Other than being in the room for observation for the next two days, you'll be good to go. You will be sore for a few days though, 'cause your body did take an extensive amount of damage." Tony informed, before he gathered their blood sample and left.

Kai laid back in the bed and fell asleep, only to be woken up two hours later by Tony. He had come into the room with the results to the blood test that Kai and her father were waiting on. They were truly curious as to the reason for Kai healing so well.

"Well, I went through so many tests, and I found zilch," Tony began, but then he held up his finger to signal he was going to continue,"but then, I tested her blood again and it turns out that when she and Pietro were bleeding out next to each other, their blood mixed, and somehow she healed faster because of it. I'm not finding any change of mutation in her blood or any other tests, so I guess healing was all that came out of it." Tony stated, and Kai let out a sigh of relief.

"If she came back with powers, I really would've been dead." Clint murmured, causing Tony to chuckle.

"Don't stop worrying yet, Legolas," Tony commented,"She could have a permanent healing ability for all we know." He said, making Clint groan.

Tony left the room soon after, leaving Kai and her father alone. Kai hadn't expected to be healed because she and Pietro's blood accidentally mixed while they were bleeding out. It wasn't like it was a plan of hers or something, she was just grateful that it had healed her up without causing her to feel all of the painful healing.

She would still feel sore for days, but at least she didn't have any stitches or open wounds. She hated open wounds and stitches, because when they healed they itched. She knew she wasn't supposed to itch them either, but she couldn't help herself. It was damn near impossible to stop herself from itching a healing area.

Anyhow, Natasha brought Kai dinner later that night, and told Clint she'd stay with the girl over night so he could sleep in his own room. Since Kai was a small person, she was able to fit Natasha on her bed with her, and she wasn't squished or pushed off. The girls slept peacefully through the night.

Tony checked on them randomly throughout the night, making sure that Kai didn't wake up in any pain or with nightmares. He was afraid she'd develop nightmares after such a traumatic experience, but so far it seemed she didn't have any.

She seemed to be one of the few that didn't get nightmares. It definitely made things easier, since he didn't have to try and find a way to help with her nightmares. She seemed to be her regular self, other than the extra pale skin, from the lack of sunlight for almost a month. She would gain back her skin tone once she got some sun.

Pietro was doing well, too. He wasn't in any pain, and he too seemed to be sleeping fine. For all anyone knew though, Wanda could've been forcing away his nightmares. Hell, she could've been doing the same for Kai, but Tony hoped not. If she was, then when Kai went home, she'd have severe nightmares, and it wouldn't be an easy fix.

Anyway, everyone had to think positively when it came to the two young Avengers. They were alive, and they were healed. Everything was going in the right direction, and that's all they could hope for. As long as everything was running smoothly, they wouldn't have to worry about anything. She would be able to go back to her normal, or somewhat normal life, and so would Pietro, and that's all that the team really wanted...

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