Chapter Seventeen

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After a couple of days, Tony had allowed Kai to finally go home. It hurt to move around too much, but other than that, she felt fine. Clint had been the one to fly her home. Since Pietro was still sore and recovering, Tony had talked Clint into letting Pietro stay in the Barton home.

Kai and Pietro promised to help Laura with the newest addition to the Barton home, Nathaniel. The baby was adorable, but the best part was that he adored his big sister. Sometimes he'd cry just so she would hold him, then he'd go to sleep or simply lay in her arms and listen to her talk to him.

Clint had been home for one of the days that Nathaniel had acted out to get Kai's attention. He thought it was the sweetest thing he had ever seen and he had thanked Kai for being so chill with the baby. Kai hadn't dealt with things like that with Cooper and Lila, but Nathaniel was different, and he was her favorite.

Pietro hadn't felt himself for a while when he was at the Barton home, but after a couple of weeks, Kai had started helping Pietro feel better about the move. He wasn't stuck there, it was only temporary until he was completely healed. To be honest, after a while, Pietro and Kai became very use to being together almost all the time.

Kai and Pietro would sometimes spend their nights watching TV or sitting outside talking for hours. They became closer through there time together. Pietro was very helpful in the house, so Laura had no problem with him being around the farmhouse.

"You two should start training again," Natasha had told Kai over the phone,"You'll lose your muscle and stuff if you don't."

After Kai had agreed to training with Pietro, their days seemed to pass by faster. Kai was slower than Pietro, but that was expected, since the boy was literally the fastest on the team. He was also quite strong, but that didn't stop Kai from being able to take him down quite a few times.

Once they had spent two months at the farmhouse, they were finally told they could go to the Avengers compound to settle back into their daily lifestyles. The two decided not to go back yet though, since there wasn't much for them to do. There had only been a couple of missions the entire time they had been gone, so they didn't think they were really needed.

Pietro helped keep the two oldest Barton children busy when their mother was cooking, and Kai was busy with Nathaniel. Pietro had practically become a part of the family, but the family accepted him easily. He and his sister hadn't gotten to spend much time together since he had been shot, but luckily the two talked when they could.

One night, Kai and Pietro accidentally fell asleep on the couch watching TV. Early the next morning, Laura had woken up with Nathaniel, and she found them on the couch. She smiled to herself, before she woke the two up and sent them upstairs to sleep, so Nathaniel, Cooper, and Lila wouldn't wake them up by accident later.

Laura had kept that to herself when Clint had called checking on them days later. She didn't want him thinking that Pietro was pulling moves on his daughter. If Clint believed that, he would make Pietro go back to the compound, and Kai wouldn't be allowed to see him. She may have been old enough to make her own decisions, but her father was very protective over her when it came to boys and boyfriends.

To be honest, Laura had a sneaking suspicion that Pietro and Kai liked each other. She wouldn't tell anyone, but she really did have a feeling. If it was true, and they did have feelings for each other, she'd be happy for them. They both deserved some good in their lives, especially after their near death experience almost three months ago.

Sometimes, Laura would catch Pietro staring at Kai, and sometimes she would see the glances Kai sent to Pietro. The smiles the two shared didn't go unnoticed, but it seemed as if they were oblivious to their own feelings. Not once did they seem to make even the slightest move.

Kai had talked to Laura about boys before, but she hadn't mentioned Pietro yet. She hadn't mentioned any boys recently if Laura was honest, or girls for that matter. It was as if Kai was oblivious to her own feelings for Pietro, as much as he was oblivious to his feelings for her.

By month four, Kai and Pietro had to go back to the compound, at least, for a little bit. Something had happened, and there was an important that they had to attend, or at least be caught up on when they arrived. Kai wasn't a big fan of meetings, so she was truly dragging her feet to make things easier on her.

Laura was sad to see Kai and Pietro leaving. She had become so accustomed to having them around, as had the children. She remembered how it was with Clint for a while, and she knew she had to get use to it all over again, except this time with children. She was definitely going to miss them, and she was going to talk to them as often as she could.

Pietro and Kai didn't want to leave. They wanted to stay at the farmhouse where they were happy and safe. To be honest, Kai loved being an Avenger, but after she almost died, she began to rethink her super hero lifestyle choice. She could easily decide to give it up and nobody would blame her. She just wondered if she was truly willing to give it all up because of one near death experience. There was so much unknown about the future, that choosing her fate so quickly could change her life forever...

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