Chapter Four

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Kai was stuck to her father's side, making sure he wasn't hurt because of Loki once again. Obviously, Kai knew that Natasha and the rest of the Avengers wouldn't purposely let Clint get hurt, but Kai wouldn't let her father leave her side. She loved him way too much to allow him to walk away from her.

Steve did make everyone split up eventually, so Kai was picked up by Tony, just like her father had been, but she was put on a different building, so she could hit Chitauri from a different direction. Kai was as good Clint with a bow, so she took out quite a bit of chitauri. As she was taking out Chitauri, she heard a voice behind her start talking.

"The famous Kai Barton," The voice said, and when she turned around, she seen it was Loki,"raised a soldier, yet never quite got there. You were never given a complete shot until your father was taken by me. If anything, you should be thanking me. I gave you your shot at being where you want to be, and for that, you should help me get to the top and defeat these silly Avengers. They'd never see it coming." He said, making her frown.

"That's not happening," She retorted, causing him to raise an eyebrow,"You forget I was raised by Hawkeye and Black Widow," She added, before she swept his legs out from under him,"I can take you down before you can even try to defend yourself." She spat, as her foot came down on his face.

Once she had busted his nose, he quickly sat up and grabbed her ankle. She yelped when he yanked her ankle and caused her to fall flat on her back, smashing her head against the concrete of the roof.

"Fuck!" She exclaimed, her hands automatically going to the back of her head.

She pulled her hand from the back of her head, and seen there was blood all over her hand. Groaning in annoyance, she jumped back up to her feet and punched Loki. Loki wasn't caught off guard this time, so he was ready to attack. They fought for a moment, before she grew even more angry. Bringing her knee up and smashed it into his chest, this time he did stumble back. He almost tripped over the edge of the building. Seeing he was on the edge, Kai used all the force in her upper body, she shoved Loki off the building, and watched as he fell towards the ground. He didn't hit the ground though, he disappeared before he could hit the ground.

"Katniss, you alright?" She heard through her ear piece; the voice belonging to Tony.

"All good; just kicked Loki's ass off the building I'm on, but I lost him afterward." She replied, as she started shooting down chitauri once again.

Kai and Clint soon had to go back down to ground level with the rest of the Avengers, minus Tony, so they could regroup. Natasha had used a chitauri vehicle to get to the top of the tower to stop the portal from letting in anymore aliens. Kai's head was still bleeding, but she wasn't lightheaded or tired.

After a few minutes, Natasha said that she could close the portal. Steve told her to, but Tony told her not to. He was bringing a nuke into space, and she agreed to wait. Kai and the others watched as Tony flew into the portal, before Steve told Natasha to close the portal.

"Oh my god." Kai murmured, when she seen Tony falling from the portal.

Kai and the others watched with baited breath as Tony fell, but he wasn't slowing down. Kai's heart was hammering in her chest, as she watched him, and as she watched Hulk jump up and grab Tony, scowling him down from the fall.

When Tony was laid on the ground, Kai watched him lay lifeless. Her heart would've broke, if it wasn't for Hulk growling and waking up Tony. She almost laughed when Tony woke up scared that someone kissed him, before deciding he wanted Shawarma for their win.

Obviously, the team had to take care of Loki first, which Kai wasn't looking forward to. She honestly just wanted to be rid of Loki already, since he had caused her family so much grief. She wondered how in the hell Thor could deal with such a brother like Loki. If Cooper was anything like Loki, she would make him realize that he wasn't going to be that way when she was around.

If she was honest, Thor seemed a little airheaded to her. Obviously not in too bad of a way, but some things went over his head, much like sex jokes went over a child's head. She wouldn't be surprised if she had to teach Thor jokes that other people would understand, but he didn't. Actually, she planned to be his friend, as long as he stayed on Earth after returning Loki to Asgard to be punished by Odin.

Kai remembered learning a bit about Loki and Thor in her history class, but after meeting them, she realized that quite a bit of what she learned was false. She wondered where the information had even come from, if the gods didn't seem to know about any of said information. One day she planned to ask Thor the real answers to some of the things she read, but she knew it wouldn't be anytime soon.

To be truthful, Kai wasn't sure her father or mother would let her stay as a part of the Avengers after she helped save her father. Yes, she had won, and yes, she had helped quite a bit, but she had gotten hurt in the process. She was able to hold her own against Loki, which not many could do, but she knew her parents would be scared after they seen her head injury. She just hoped she'd be able to stay a part of the team she worked so well with...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm going to try to make this book as many chapters as possible, but I don't like making everything word-for-word based on movies, shows, etc., since I always hated those "Watch the Movies" books. I hope you guys understand, but if you don't, I'm sorry.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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