Chapter Two

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Kai had sat in the SUV, waiting for her Aunt Nat to get Doctor Banner. Kai was worried about her father immensely, so the entire time she was alone in the SUV, she was anxiously picking at her nails and grabbing her necklace every few minutes; as if she was making sure it was still there, like it would disappear out of nowhere. The necklace was given to her by her father when she was only six years old, and she has cherished it ever since. When she had gotten the necklace, it was really big on her, but now it fit her like a necklace should fit a person.

When her Aunt Nat had come back with Doctor Banner, Kai said 'hello,' but other than that, she stayed quiet for the entire ride to wherever they were needing; including when they switched from an SUV to a jet. Aunt Nat had showed Kai where her room would be so she could leave her bag there, before the girl sat down near a window and stayed looking out as they flew through the clouds. Kai's mind was too focused on her father, to really worry about the bickering and such going on around her.

"Who's she?" Tony Stark asked, as he pointed to the girl sitting on the ground away from everyone.

"That's Kai Barton, she's Agent Barton's daughter." Nick Fury replied, as everyone glanced over at her.

"And you invited a child here because...?" Tony trailed off, crossing his arms.

"Clint and I have trained her since she was little. She's practically Clint and I, as one person, when it comes to skills. If anyone can get Clint back, it's her." Aunt Nat stated, still worried about her best friend, as well as her niece.

A few hours later, Aunt Nat grabbed Kai for dinner. Kai hadn't been hungry, but she knew her aunt wasn't going to let her skip out on food. Kai sat with Aunt Nat at the table for a while, before Tony Stark, Captain America, and Doctor Banner joined them. Obviously, none of them knew each other that well, but it seemed that the superheros wanted to sit together unconsciously.

"I never introduced myself, I'm Steve Rogers." Captain, or rather Steve, said, as he held his hand out to Kai.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Rogers, I'm Kai Barton." She replied, and he smiled.

"Nice to meet you, too," He answered,"and Steve is just fine." He added, causing the girl to nod.

"I know we somewhat met earlier, but I'm Bruce Banner," Doctor Banner said,"but you can just call me Bruce, though most people seem to only want to call me Doctor Banner." He added, smiling at the girl.

Steve and Bruce seemed to have the same idea; they wanted to make the girl not feel so anxious and worried. They could tell just how stressed she was, and stress was never good for anyone, especially someone as young as her. Well, she wasn't that young, but she was younger than everyone else around. The girl was only sixteen, but she had the mentality of someone at least twenty years old. She was quite mature for her age, which everyone seemed to notice.

"I'm Tony Stark, if you didn't already know, but just call me Tony." Tony said, not seemingly as nice as Steve and Bruce.

"Can I be excused?" Kai asked, looking over at her Aunt Nat.

Aunt Nat frowned when she seen that the girl hadn't eaten much, but instead of pestering the girl to eat more, the woman simply nodded and sent the girl a smile. Kai stood from her seat, grabbing her plate to dispose of it. Once her plate was gone, Kai went back to her spot by the window and sat down. She reached into the small bag she had sitting next to her, and pulled out the one book her father had gotten her.

Clint didn't see the appeal of reading, and sometimes Kai didn't either, but Clint had gone to the store one day and found the perfect book for Kai. He had bought it and kept it until her birthday had come around, before gifting it to her. Most girls wanted cars and such for their sixteenth birthday, but Kai was happy with her book. Besides, Clint had also gotten her a new bow, which she loved immensely. The book he had gotten her was interesting, and she had read it at least three times. As she was sitting near the window reading the book once again, it was her forth time reading through it. She doubted she'd ever get tired of it.

The girl stayed off in her own little world, until she heard Nick Fury send Steve out to get Loki. Kai hated Loki with every fiber of her being. The god of mischief had taken away her favorite person, and she was going to make him pay for what he did. Honestly, she wanted to kill the god for what he did, but obviously she knew she didn't really have a chance yet. The god seemed to be good at hiding, except for now. Kai felt like him being found so easily wasn't a coincidence. Loki had wanted to be found, but Kai wasn't sure why he wanted to be found.

"Kai?" She heard, causing her to look over,"You can go lay down if you want. I will get you when Cap gets back with Loki." Aunt Nat said, causing Kai to shake her head.

"No, I have to stay awake. I can't miss anything." Kai replied, making Aunt Nat sigh.

"At least an hour, Kai. I don't want you running yourself into the ground. Your parents would kill me if you over exhaust yourself." She commented, and Kai sighed as well.

"Fine, but only an hour." Kai murmured, sticking her book in her bag.

Kai picked up her bag and held it, as Aunt Nat walked her to her room. Kai sat her bag down next to her bed, before she laid down and closed her eyes. She wasn't sure if anything was going to happen while she was asleep, so she left her shoes on. She just hoped she didn't miss anything while she was sleeping...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm going to make her and the Maximoff twins eighteen when they meet. It's what I want, so please don't come at me for it.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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