Chapter Fourteen

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Wanda could hear Kai's thoughts. She could hear all of Kai's doubts about her. The girl understood why Kai would doubt her though, since she had put such horrible visions in her head. The more Kai doubted her though, the more Wanda felt horrible about herself. She didn't know at the time that Ultron was the bad guy, if she had known, she would've never hurt Kai.

"Kai? Can we talk?" Wanda asked, grabbing the girl's attention.

Instead of answering with words, Kai simply nodded as a response. She didn't trust her voice when talking to Wanda.

"I'm sorry." Wanda said, making Kai frown.

"We didn't know Ultron was a bad guy. We believed him when he said he would help us get back at Stark. We did not know he was trying to take over the world, and kill all the people." Pietro commented, his accent very strong.

"You hurt me. You made me think my dad hated me." Kai retorted, causing the siblings to frown.

"We are sorry, Kai, truly. Please forgive us for what we have done." Wanda pleaded, making the other girl sigh.

"We'll see if I forgive you after we defeat Ultron. If you prove to me you're not still on his side, I will forgive you both." She replied, and the siblings nodded.

A couple of hours later, the jet landed in Sokovia and everyone dispersed into the city. Kai waited until it was time to fight, before she started shooting arrows and bullets in every direction the bots were coming from. The problem was, they were stronger than normal, which wasn't at all what Kai was use to.

Pietro was nearby, fighting bots as well. He stayed close to her, knowing he could get her out if she was in danger. He also knew his sister could handle herself for a bit, so he didn't have to worry too much about her. Every time he would look back to Kai, his heart would flutter. It was weird, he never felt this way before. He had slept with a couple girls in his time, but not one made him feel anything towards them. He hadn't even slept with Kai, yet she was making him feel things he wasn't use to feeling at all.

"We're clear here, we should find the others and see if they need our help." Kai commented, and Pietro nodded.

Before Kai knew what was going on, Pietro picked her up and ran her to where her father was. He placed her down on the ground next to him, before he picked up his sister and ran away. Kai had to stop herself from laughing, when Clint raised his bow slightly and pretended to shoot in Pietro's direction.

"Nobody would know. Nobody. The last I saw him, Ultron was sitting on him. He will be missed, quick little bastard. Miss him already." Clint commented, as he jogged forward.

Clint and Kai soon stood with the other Avengers, as they watched Fury show up with jets.

"Fury, you son of a bitch." Steve commented, and Kai chuckled.

"Ooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Fury retorted, as the others seemed to find amusement in it as well.

Kai was shocked to see Fury coming around for their aid. She had believed he was off trying to cover things up, or make it where there was more damage control later from the battle. As she looked around the area, she zoned out for a moment, before she was brought back into reality by Steve's voice.

"If you get hurt, hurt 'em back. If you get killed...walk it off." She heard, causing her to roll her eyes.

They ran around trying to save people, as they fought bots along the way. Kai had luckily only gotten a few bruises so far, and most of them were caused by her own stupidity. One was from her throwing herself on to a car to get away from bullets. Another was from her hitting her head on a building when she tripped over some rubble. Either way, she knew they were both her own fault.

Kai and the others soon met up in the middle to fight Ultron. Thor had to open his big mouth though, and asked Ultron if "that was all he got," which Kai could've hit him for. Anyway, they had to fight a lot of bots to get away from the area. There were hundreds coming at them, but as a team, they were able to take down whatever came at them. Kai was so glad everyone knew how to work together, otherwise they would've been screwed.

"You're almost out of arrows." Clint commented, and Kai nodded.

"That's why I've got my guns. Also, I may have brought a really big knife to fight as well." She replied, making him chuckle.

Kai always came prepared, no matter what the situation was. That's why she had a gun on her thigh when Ultron first attacked them. It was as if she had a sixth sense on when she would need a weapon. Kai figured it was because she didn't want anything like Loki happening again to her father. She would protect them all if she could. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she at least had to try.

Anyhow, once they left Wanda to protect the big machine thing Ultron had—something Kai never cared to learn the name for, Kai ran off to save more people and kill more bots. The city would soon be destroyed, and the Avengers didn't plan on leaving until everyone in the city was safe. Kai planned to save as many people as she could, otherwise she would rather die. She couldn't deal with the idea of leaving anyone behind to die...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. This one was a few words short of 1000 words, but the next chapter will most likely be over 1000 words to make up for it. The next chapter is the LAST chapter for this book.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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