Chapter 5 - Hot chocolate and kittens

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(Note: Important: If you have already read the
previous chapter before 24.02.2022, please read it again,
because I have added a few new things.
I was in a bit of a hurry to post the chapter, I won't do it again.
Thank you for your understanding. )

"Alexander, sorry to call you so late, but here's an emergency. Ragnor gave me your phone number."

Alec woke up in a second. Besides his father only one person called him Alexander, the one person he didn't mind calling him that, even though they'd only met once, but he hadn't forgotten.

"Magnus? What's wrong?"

"Snowflake... I don't know....something's wrong....need help" Magnus rambled incoherently.

"Magnus calm down and please tell me what's wrong, how can I help you?"

Magnus took a deep breath and started again. "Snowflake went into labor a week earlier.
I called Ragnor, but he is out in the town. I told him what happened, he said he couldn't come but you could help me and gave me your phone number."

"It's a bit complicated now, I'm locked up..."

"What? What do you mean?"

Alec didn't know how to respond, but before he could say anything Magnus panicked.

".....Alexander, snowflake is crying loudly, please come quickly." Magnus said, almost in tears.

"OK, send me your address, I'm on my way" said Alec. Luckily everyone was in their rooms, so he could sneak out quietly. He didn't dare get in the car in case they heard him leaving. The address Magnus sent was only 10 minutes away. As soon as he arrived, he called Magnus.

"I'm here. Will the receptionist let me in? "

"Yes, I told him. My door is open, no need to knock, just come quickly. Top floor"

Alec went inside, told he was here to see Magnus. The receptionist nodded. He took the lift up to the top floor, saw the half-open door and went in.

"Magnus, I'm here," he said.

"Come on, please, I'm in the living room" Alec hurried over, saw that Snowflake was surrounded by 4 kittens.

"She seems to be getting a little better. By the time you got here, the 4th kitten had arrived, I was talking to Ragnor. He said Snowflake was probably just tired, it's a long process, but I should be with her. However, on the ultrasound he saw 5 kittens and he is still nowhere." Magnus said in panic.

"Okay. Calm down Magnus, you know I'm not a vet, right? I'm just helping Ragnor, but I'll do my best. " Alec said in a slow, reassuring voice, although he was nervous, he had never done anything like this on his own. He only helped Ragnor at the shelter. He tried to remember every detail. He saw Snowflake behaving in a similar way to that cat.

"Look, I think she's just tired. She needs to rest for a while. Are the kittens OK? Let's have a look." said Alec, trying to distract Magnus a little, to calm him down.

"Yes, they're all fine. Look how cute they are" Magnus showed them to Alec.

"Well, everything seems to be fine here. Snowflake will take care of them as soon as she'll be all right, no need to worry about them." said Alec.

The next moment Snowflake started crying. They turned to her. Magnus didn't know what to do. "Please Alexander, help her"

Alec saw that the last kitten was on its way, and gently helped Snowflake. When the kitten was born, he didn't move. Magnus was in a complete panic now. Alec acted quickly.

Snowflake, the writer and the vetWhere stories live. Discover now