Baby Fat

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There is nothing like a hot bath with lavender, cinnamon oils, and rose petals. I thank the universe for steaming hot water as I lean back in the tub and close my eyes.

Closing my eyes I begin a breathing meditation. I need to clear my mind and center myself. My focus is on how the water feels, caressing my skin, starting from my toes. I let out a deep breath letting my legs open as the water caresses my inner thighs. Inhaling deeply my mind is slowly clearing and becoming calm. Letting out a breath that sounds like a content sigh I feel a sense of renewed energy.

Emerald, you are ready, you are strong, you are beautiful, you are brilliant. I chant this affirmation over and over again like I have done so many times over the last few years.

I repeat the affirmation to myself, and I believe them. Allowing my head to fall forward and I begin turning my head in a slow circle and feel the tension leave my body, my body relaxed and my mind is clear as my mind goes back in time..


Senior Year of High School,

"Emerald, are you NOT excited for prom? We need to go look at dresses!" I turn to look at my cousin Diamond shaking my head no.


"Girl, No, you are going to prom. You didn't go to junior prom, so ah you are pretty much going."

The bell rings, and Diamond follows me to my locker, still talking about prom and dresses and how we need to go shopping. Deep down, I want to do all those things, but I can't. I am not sure what I ever did to the Moon Goddess, who I now refer to as Ms. Selene, because we obviously are not friends. I have beautiful parents and a gorgeous brother, but it skipped over me. I haven't managed to grow any taller than 5'0, and I still have all my baby fat, as my mother says. I don't know how a 17-year-old still would have baby fat.

"Diamond, I don't have a date for prom, and no, I will not ask one of the pack members. That is so embarrassing."

"You don't have to ask anybody. You can come with me. I don't have a date either since Max broke up with me."

Damn now my cousin is looking sad. Her asshole of a boyfriend broke up with her a couple of weeks ago. We can't really be mad because he said he found his mate, so it was bittersweet. I could tell it hurt my Diamond because they had dated since ninth grade, they both knew it was a strong possibility they wouldn't end up as mates, but they got close anyway.

Using my childhood nickname, Diamond persuades me to embarrass myself

"Gem, please, I already have my dress, and I want to go. I don't want people to think I'm sad over Max."

She is saying this as tears are literally falling from her eyes.

"Okay, Sparkle," I say, returning the favor of using her childhood nickname. I will go but what am I going to do with myself? I say, looking in the mirror hanging from my locker.

My Alpha training was helping some as I noticed my face, although round, looked less pudgy, and my sweatpants were getting baggy. I wasn't sure what to do with my hair. I had worn the same ponytail since middle school; the only difference was that instead of it being at the top of my head, it sat messily at the nape of my neck.

"No worries, we can give you a makeover and- "

A snort filled the hallway, and then I heard.

"It will take more than a makeover. You'll need a good diet or help from the Moon Goddess herself to make her over."

" Fuck off, douche bag," Diamond responded to the group of guys walking past. I never turned around because I knew the voice of the one person I had secretly had a crush on since we were all pups before we splintered off, forming small groups that excluded people and defined their place in High School. I was devastated and felt the first brick that made up the wall that now surrounded my heart.

You can say shit like that and get away with it when you are pretty, and Diamond was beautiful. My Aunt Faith, Diamonds' mother, and my mother's older sister would always say that Diamond and I looked alike. I was just a late bloomer, I guess real late, Diamond and I were only a week apart, and already she looked like a little Moon Goddess.

Diamond was 5'6 with a creamy caramel complexion much like my own. She had hazel eyes, and my eyes were green. She traded in her ponytail and now wore her hair parted down the middle and bone straight. Her baby fat had changed into a figure eight with a nice c cup. I don't know how anyone thought we looked alike...

End of Flashback

Fresh out of the bath, I sat at my vanity and began to oil my body. I finally blossomed a little late, but it did happen. Shapely toned legs, thick thighs, tiny waist, and d cup had replaced all the baby fat my first year at college. My college days were filled with Alpha training, and on a dare, I joined the Ravens Dance Team. All the activity , training, and being around 15 girly girls did the trick.

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