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"Your scent betrays you, Mate" he continued to whisper in my ear  I try to calm myself and listen to the tone of his voice. It doesn't sound familiar. The whispers and soft touches are melting my defenses and I feel the wall built around my heart sway.

Jade is giving me a pep talk

"Emerald, you must turn around and acknowledge your mate."

I know but I need to keep control of my emotions, if it is someone from my pack I am not going to be happy, I refuse to accept anyone who couldn't accept me before. You know not one of these guys ever asked me out on a date, or showed any interest, so you better prepare yourself as well."

"Prepare for what Emerald you can not be serious, Emerald people change, mature and gro-"

I end the conversation and and for the second time tonight push Jade to the furthest part of my mind. Jade is my strength but she is also very emotional and believes in giving the benefit of the doubt and chances. I don't.

My "Mate" continues to move his hand and trace the curve of my body, before it gets any deeper I decide to turn around. I grab his hand and feel the energy that our touch creates, letting go of his hand. I step to the side and turn around.

I am greeted by the one chosen for me by the Moon Goddess herself. He is beautiful, he is over six feet tall and his body is solid. Looking at his chest I have the fleeting thought of how I would lick him from one pec to the other and then down his ab defined torso.

I look into his warm brown eyes, set against a deep tan complexion, perfect smile accented by dimples, clean shaven face with long locks that almost touch his waist, they are pulled back and show the evidence of a fresh trip to the barber shop. My favorite feature of them all are his lips that are urging me to suck them and lick them. Taking him in I have forgotten to control my level of arousal and become aware of how wet I am and after I have visually taken him in I respond..."Mate".

It takes me a moment to realize exactly who I am looking at, he is from my pack and although moments ago I was prepared to reject any guy from my pack my heart hesitated and my mouth obliged

"Emerald Grace Kinsella" he says my name looking directly into my eyes sending an erotic signal to my real jewel.

"Daniel Ali Medina '' I say seductively and watch his manhood reach for me. Taking a step to where he is standing in front of me he wraps his muscle bound arms around me and pulls me to him. If anyone was looking at us from the back they would not see me, his body covers me entirely. I am not a shy girl so I lean into the embrace.

"Are you surprised we are mates?" Daniel asked, placing the light kisses on my cheek and the side of my lips.

The speech I have practiced for any male from my pact who was my mate is caught in my throat and I can not speak so I shake my head.

"I am surprised, thankful and honestly scared, it is no secret that you plan to reject any male from our pack" Daniel leans back and looks into my eyes.

"Daniel, I didn't know that information was circulated around? Do you believe it?" I ask, my voice holds no aggression. I call on my feminine principle so this exchange can remain pleasant.

"Medina, Daniel is my fathers name he smiles"

Since we were pups he refused to answer to Daniel because that was his Dad's name and he felt like it made him sound old and there were two Ali's in the pack So he went by his last name instead.

"My apologies Medina" I look at him and then look away.

I can not deny the pull I feel towards him, we fit perfectly, he is an attractive man and an Alpha, all the things that made him an asshole while we were in high school.

"Why would you reject a mate if he came from your pack.?" He asked while rubbing my arm and sending electricity through my body.

"I have my reasons."I respond by placing both of my palms on his broad chest.

Medina bends down and kisses my lips, tracing my lips with his tongue he then begins to gently pull my bottom lip and suck it, I imagine how it would feel if he sucked my clit the same way. The thought heightens my arousal and now I can smell myself and I don't care.

"Ummmm...Emerald do you taste as good as you smell?"

His hands leave my ass and pull my dress up slightly by the thigh high split, keeping his arm around my waist he gently reaches in between my thighs and works his hands up towards the heat radiating from my center. I feel his body vibrate and then he is looking at me

"Did you forget something when you were getting dressed?' He asked stroking my slit with his middle finger. Instinctively I widen my stance to accommodate his exploration. As we gaze into each others souls he dips his middle finger into my wetness and pulls he finger away placing it in his mouth ."Umm just as I thought you taste better.

Taking my hand Median walks me into the shadows of the garden behind a tree. Leaning me against the tree he kneels in front of me as if to propose. Running his hand up my legs he lifts it and places it over his shoulder. His other hand adjusted my dress so he was now face to face with my goodness. Keeping his eyes on me he pulled me to him and using just his tongue parted my lips and licked me like he was eating ice cream. Then he was sucking my clit and kissing it just like he kissed me earlier.

It didn't take long for me to orgasm and he held me to him so he could taste it all..

In my orgasm induced bliss I suddenly taste his salty lips and feel his kiss, my arms have made their home round his neck as my hands pull at his ebony locks.

"Will you reject me Emerald Grace Kinsella? Will you leave me and weaken me and King my wolf?" placing kisses all over my face, neck and shoulders Medina questions me

I feel this bond, I feel him , Jade feels him and King, the Moon Goddess has selected this man for me, we are destined. My body wants him but this man that is pleasuring my body and sparking our bond is a part of my pack although he has not been around since we were 17, if I remembered correctly he left after the incident...I push him away ..

"I Alpha Emerald Grace Kinsella, the first born child of Alpha Jabari Stone Kinsella and Luna Merci Rose Kinsella reject you Alpha Daniel Ali Medina" I stated my rejection with supreme resolve that is cut short and I am stunned by Medina's response.

"Emerald Grace Kinsella, I Alpha Daniel Ali Medina, first born son of Daniel Malichai Medina and Luna Lorena Ali Medina invoke Trueros."

My eyes widened in disbelief,....

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