Authors Note💫

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I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to read the story and for being patient 

as I wait for the inspiration to write.

I also would like to give you a sneak peek  at a new project that I am working on. 

this project is an Contemporary Urban story, it is raw, steamy, unfiltered and spicy🌶️

This is the main character of the book Esteban ....isn't he beautiful🥰

isn't he beautiful🥰

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Excerpt from Esteban....  

Her smile was brighter than the sun on the day I walked out those gates. She is laughing now and seeing her laugh makes me smile. The way her body relaxes and her head falls back lightly and if possible her smile brightens. As if she can feel my gaze she looks up and stares in my direction. I can tell she's looking at me, I see the sexy smirk on her face. I regain my composure and meet her gaze.

She is beautiful, she looks familiar but most people do since I've been back, like I know them but can't really place them. I can tell she is a different breed, most women are not able to look me in the eyes without getting nervous or becoming self conscious, I make them feel shy or so I've heard. But not her, she keeps looking and I am the first one to look away. Rubbing the back of my neck I look at Carols who has been watching me watch Her.

We don't exchange any words, the grin on his face lets me know he understands. I head in her direction. My confidence pushes me forward. Women love my attitude, and can't resist my charms. My good looks help as well. At 5 '10 I have a medium muscular frame I got from my father and hazel eyes and wavy black hair from my mother. I don't brag but I know I am handsome.

So step to her, buy her a drink, dance with her, get her number, suggest breakfast , take her to breakfast and then.. I mentally lay out my game plan , this plan never fails. It's been tried, tested and approved since I was 14 and started going to clubs. At 14 I attracted grown women so now at 37 it is all second nature.

Something in me tells me that my regular will not impress Her. On my way to the dance floor I pass by the DJ booth.

"Yo Navi, what's up?" He asks as he daps me up.

"Not much out with Lo celebrating my freedom, Say, can you play something for me?"

"What you wanna here"

I give him my request with instructions not to play the song until I step on the dance floor.

I reach in my pocket to slide him a lil something.

"No need big bro I gotchu, Welcome Home by the way"

I begin to refuse. I have only been home for 48 hours, it will be a minute before I can accept people doing things for me without thinking it's something behind it. In the end I just thanked him and moved on.

I make my way to the dance floor and She is still in the same spot with her two friends. When I hear the intro to Daniel Caesar Get You, I step in front of her and grab her hand leading her onto the dance floor. I know I am taking a chance but like I said I'm willing to risk it all. With a sparkle in her eye she accepts my hand and follows me onto the floor.

I know women will hold back when they have an audience and I need her to remember our dance together. I find the perfect spot in the middle of the floor and pull her into my arms. She fits perfectly, leaning into me not shy or one bit nervous. She has confidence. Looking into her eyes I smile and receive a shy smile in return. I place my hands on her hips, I am careful not to touch her back since it's bare. I don't want her to feel uncomfortable, plus she probably expects that..I don't say anything while we dance, I hold her close and occasionally look into her eyes.

I smell Tom Ford Rose Prick as we dance, it smells good on her. We have something in common, good taste. Her hands were hanging loosely around my neck. I felt her running her hand down the back of my head, I can tell it was subconscious on her part but natural, even seemed possessive but she was just feeling the music. I pulled her a little closer and placed one hand on the small of her back. I touch her bare skin. I move so my leg is now between her legs as I sway her body, she doesn't miss a beat and moves with me, another thing we have in common is she knows how to dance.

As the song ends I lead her back to her friends. I can tell that they can't wait to get the info on what happened. When she walks up her friend hands her back her bag and her phone. I take the phone and dial my number, I feel my phone vibrate in my suit jacket and know it went through.

"What's your name?" I gave her back her phone


I whisper Esteban in her ear then kiss her softly on her cheek. Stepping away I smile at the three girls and walk away. I don't look back, creating tension and curiosity will make her call me sooner than later. The way she looked at me and leaned into me while we danced. I know she feels the chemistry. I smile at myself as I think of speaking with her later today ,all I can think is Navi never fails.

Let me know what you think💫


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