Keep an Open Mind

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"I need to tell you something, I know we are not friends, but I am asking that you trust and believe what I tell you and at least keep an open mind." She looked so serious standing there. I tried to read her face, but it was expressionless. I just remember her eyes were the brightest green I had ever seen, and she was very calm.

"I'm listening." I crossed my arms and waited for her to speak.

"Just to confirm, you are Daniel Ali Medina?"


"You are an Alpha by birth?"

"Yes, and will become Alpha of my father's home pack when I complete Alpha training," I said with pride.

"Daniel Ali Medina, there isn't any way to inform you than to just tell you, so you and I are destined mates," Emerald stated with no emotion or expression.

"What? How would you know that we are not even 18 yet it is impossible to know." I responded with a skepticism

I have had many girls do things because they had crushes on me, but this took the cake

"Emerald, do you like me or something?"

"Yes, I like everyone, you included." her voice and face remained the same, but her eyes were mesmerizing.

"I can't tell you how I know, but the source is credible. I wanted to say this to you because I know you have a girlfriend and would like to know your intentions for her and yourself?

Before you answer, I must inform you that I know we are true mates. With this knowledge, I find the relationship you have with Giselle disrespectful. I can not allow nor will I forgive you if you continue the relationship. I know that you have not had sex with Giselle yet, so for that reason, I am willing to overlook that you had the relationship in the first place., but it needs to end soon if you plan to accept me as your true mate." Emerald now stood directly in front of me, looking into my eyes.

For long moments I could not gather my thoughts or my words, so I continued to look into her eyes. I am 17 in a couple of weeks. Giselle has been my girl since I was 15. I am a typical young Alpha male. I had not considered finding my mate just yet. The time was fast approaching, but I wasn't ready to think that far into the future. I love Giselle, but I am also a traditional Alpha male. I know that whoever is my Goddess-given mate, I will be with only them...once we find each other.

I thought all of this in my head and knew it to be a fact in my heart that I would never choose another over my true mate. It was unfortunate that my mouth didn't know what the brain and the heart had decided because I heard myself say

"I love Giselle. I am not leaving her for anyone."

I waited for Emerald's response as I watched her face. The only change was her eyes. They shone a bit brighter.

"Understood, but Daniel Ali Medina, you need to understand that we are destined fated mates. Your rejection of our union will harm us both. I respect the decision. Just know that you will regret your decision. I don't give out second chances nor forgive disloyalty, betrayal, and cheating. When the time comes, remember I warned you."

With that, she stepped around me and left the classroom.

End of flashback

That night we won the game, and I was recruited to play for a different school. With all the excitement, I must have put our encounter in the deepest part of my brain because I had forgotten until just moments ago.

I wasn't here when I turned 18. After a visit with Giselle, we confirmed that we were not mates. Giselle had not found her mate either, so we continued to see each other with the agreement that when our mates were found, we would end the relationship.

Fuck! I knew about the rumors that Emerald planned to reject her mate. Shit, everyone on the mountain knew. So when I realized she was my mate last night, I knew the only thing that would save me was to petition Trueros. I was wrong, and she was right....I am sorry I didn't take her seriously.  

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