20 Questions

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I said my goodbyes to my family, although I would just be in the next building it still felt as if I were moving far away.

"Emerald, I hope you give Daniel a fair chance, we are not meant to be alone or with any other than our destined mates."

"I know that" I respond to Jade. Jade has been worried that my intention despite what may happen is to reject Medina.

"Jade give me one reason other than fate that would make me forgive Medina and overlook his relationship with Gisella." I waited for Jade's response but I was met with a void as she retreated to the back of my mind. I could sense she has grown tired of my attitude.

"Jade, trust me, I will make the best decision for us."

Walking into our new living space I realize the next six months may be a challenge. The space is small leaving little to no room for privacy.

"Welcome home my Love" Medina greeted me by handing me a bouquet of fresh orange roses. I raised my eyebrow

"Emerald, the orange roses represent the hope that I have for our bond and that over the next six months you will feel for me as I feel for you." He said, placing a sweet kiss on my cheek. My heart fluttered as his lips left me. I could still feel his kiss.

"Thank you."

Medina took my suitcase to the bedroom, our bedroom. I watched Medina. His movements looked natural and comfortable. I wondered if I am supposed to act like we are a couple or act like we are dating. Either scenario is foreign to me because I have almost zero experience with dating or being a couple. I don't count the few awkward dates I had during college and Alpha training, I shudder just thinking about it.

I felt Medina behind me as his hands circled my waist. With his head resting in the crook of my neck he inhales deeply and then places a light kiss on the back of my neck.

"Can we talk Emerald?"

"Of course" stepping out of his embrace I move to sit on the couch and he sits across from me in an oversized chair. We are looking at each other in complete silence. I see the questions and the hesitation dance along his brow line and I know he is searching for the words to ask me what he wants to know.

"How would you like to approach our situation?' he begins

"What do you mean?"

" Do you want to start slowly and work our way to being a couple or do you want to start at the point of us already being a couple who are currently working on their relationship?"

I look at Medina and I know that he will honor whatever my decision is, I have my own agenda and plans so I give him the answer he least expected.

"Let's assume we are a couple working on our relationship."

The smile that crosses his face puts a slight smile on my own.

"Are you comfortable with showing affection and receiving affection?"

"So far I am." I respond to him

" Well yes you are comfortable with receiving my affection but what about you initiating affection"

" I will try" I say

"Medina are you a romantic Alpha?"

"Only for you Emerald, I know in school I was a jackass but I promise I have outgrown that cocky jock persona."

We both laugh because yes Medina was very cocky in school but rightfully so, he was a great student and gifted athlete and loved by all.

"Are you a romantic Alpha" he returns the question to me and I am caught off guard.

"I want romance but I have never been in a position to experience romance." I feel embarrassed having to basically admit that I don't have experience when it comes to relationships. I wonder if he will compare me to Gisella.

Gisella and I are two different types of women. She is definitely a girly girl and willing to cater to her mate. Whereas I am feminine and will challenge my mate, it is my nature. I know that I have power in my femininity where Gisella is the type of woman that thinks what is between her legs is the power. Or at least that has been my observation of her behavior.

"Medina why did you choose Gisella?" I say this trying to feel confident and hope that my insecurities aren't showing. Medina was clearly caught off guard by my question which is what I wanted, catch your opponent off guard and they are weak and unable to defend themselves properly.

"Gisella and I just happened, and it was expected that we would be together, everyone thought we made a good couple and you know how high school can be."

"I have a hard time believing it was that simple, especially when you told me, your mate, that you loved her and wouldn't leave her for anyone."

Median visibly winces as I repeat the words that wounded my heart and set my plan in motion.

"Emerald I am sorry for saying that, I didn't mean to hurt you, I was young-"

"Oftentimes the things we don't mean to do hurt the most." I get up from the couch and walk to the bedroom, closing the door. 

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