The Beginning of A Plan

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Medina and I joined my family for dinner a week later. I had only been gone for a week but being back in my packhouse made me feel like I had been gone for over a year. I knew I would love my new pack but there was nothing like home.

We came home to discuss the plans for our pack leadership. I had announced that I would be fine if Steele were to become the next Alpha of our pack, but now our Father called a meeting to discuss my decision

Sitting around the table everyone seemed happy.

"Tonight we need to discuss the future of our pack" my dad began seriously looking around the table as Steele, my mother, Medina and I listened intently.

"Medina I know that you have to assume responsibility for your family pack and as Emerald is the eldest we have always assumed that she would lead our pack when the time comes, the time has come."

My brother stirred and looked somewhat uncomfortable.

"Steele has decided he would like to travel and see if he can find his mate before assuming Alpha duties, I want to give him that chance therefore I would like to join the packs into one pack"

I looked over to Medina and he smiled. We had talked about the day that we joined our packs, we just didn't think it would happen so fast.

"Alpha Kinsella, we agree with joining the packs, but if needed Emerald and I can lead Emerald Moon pack for a couple of years. My father said he can wait until Emerald is ready" Median looked at me with so much love and respect. He was willing to delay his destiny to make sure my family and I were okay.

"That will not be necessary, your father and I have discussed this plan for years, and I know he is just as ready to retire as I am." My father chuckled.

"Dad, we are ready to lead both packs" I pulled out my computer, pulled up a file, turned the computer, and showed my father the plan that Medina and I had worked on to join his territory and our pack.

"Very impressive". My father approved.

So we all agree that we will begin the transition after the next full moon with a joint run of both packs.

I looked around the table and couldn't help but smile. A small part of me was prepared to lead my pack alone and unmated Alpha Female who had survived her rejection. The thought made my eyes glass. I felt Medina squeeze my thigh under the table and heard him through our bond.

I would never have left you to lead alone my love.

Because of the cleansing ceremony I knew his words were true.  I also knew that the joining of our packs was the beginning of a plan that would ultimately protect and save those we loved.

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