The Show Off

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Gisella makes her way around me and is now standing in front of me with her hand on her hip. I swear I am having flashbacks to high school, this girl always has to put on a show.

"I guess you didn't do much training at Alpha training". She makes the comment looking me up and down. I don't get mad. I know she is trying to imply that my curves are not attractive, if only she knew how the object of her affections can't keep his hands from traveling over every inch of these curves. The thought makes a slight smirk form on my face.

"I guess that would make two of us" glancing her up and down I can tell she trains but her once super toned cheerleader body is no longer visible. Her reaction and her cousin's silence lets me know she wasn't expecting that response.

Medina keeps looking in our direction and finally walks towards us "What's up" he ask coming closer

I don't respond, I wait to see what Gisella has to say

"Nothing, just asked Emerald if she was training with us or not"

"Babe you want to train, I can do drills with you" Medina asked me putting his arm around my waist.

"No I am fine"

I watch the emotions flash across Gisella's face and know she is struggling watching Medina and I together.

"I can do drills with you" Gisella says

Medina shifts his focus to Gisella, I notice her cousins get quiet and a few more of the trainees have stopped their drills waiting for my reply.

I want to be gracious, I may be their Luna one day. But then again I also don't want to appear weak by letting Gisella control the situation.

"Just do the drills" Jade chimes in my head.

"Sure why not" I say, I will keep it cute and from what I remember about Gisella's fighting skills I probably won't break a sweat.

Murmurs go through the crowd and within seconds Gisella and I are surrounded by the other trainees. I put my hands up to prepare for the first drill and brace myself as Gisella begins to throw punches. With her first punch I can feel the aggression she is trying to suppress.

"Aww don't hold back" I chide her, I want to see what she really wants to do

Her second punch is followed by a roundhouse kick that lands on my shoulder. Thanks to my quick reflexes I barely move from the impact.

"Oh come now Emerald don't be shy" Gisella says as she moves from side to side. My mind wanders as I contemplate what should I do, I can't fight this girl out here like I really want to, that wouldn't look right. But I also can't stand here and let her kick my ass either. While I have this inner debate, I feel a sharp blow to my left cheek that causes me to stagger back slightly.

"You still debating" Jade chimes in, I can tell she is ready to go.

I move from side to side and bounce as I shake off the last blow

"Are we really doing this?" I ask Gisella. She knows what I am talking about. She really wants to fight.

"Why not?" is her response. I now hear her cousins hyping her up. I look in Medina's direction we make eye contact and he nods his head

"Okay then let's-" before I can complete my sentence, Gisella makes a movement to land me on the ground, but thanks to my training I make the counter move and block her causing her to stumble backwards.

We circle each other, this is her idea so I decide I will not be the aggressor. Gisella charges at me and we both stumble backwards, lifting her lightly. I turn us both around as we fall to the ground with me on top of her, her next move has me fly over her head.

"Not bad for a former cheerleader" I comment, jumping to my feet, she approaches me again and this time I swipe her feet and she falls to the ground. This must embarrass her or piss her off because the next thing that happens catches us all off guard.

"Gisella!" I hear Medina yell as I watch Gisella shift into her Dark Brown wolf. I am in a defense posture with my hands up and feet planted as I stare into the eyes of Gisella's wolf, slowly she approaches me

"Gisella Shift back Now!" Medina yells

"It's alright" I assure him. Although I haven't shifted, Jade is with me so it will be a fair fight.

"I'm going to fall back, you got this?" I ask Jade

"Yup" she responds, taking control. I feel myself let out a low growl, inviting Gisella's wolf to engage. I see the wolf charge at us and feel my body leave the ground as I jump up to avoid the charging wolf ending up behind her.

My feet hit the ground and I can feel a sharp pain on my arm as Gisella's wolf bites into my arm. Using my free hand I land a punch to the side of the wolf's face causing her to release me and fall back.

"Emerald, you need to shift!" I hear Medina yell but I am in the mood to show off, I am going to kick Gisella and her wolfs ass.

I know Medina is worried so I will make this quick. While Gisella's wolf steadies herself from the blow to the face , I charge at her and lower myself. I slid close to her grabbing her front leg. I pull it so that it goes across her body causing her to fall on her face, Gisella's wolf howls as she falls. She doesn't get up because that move has probably dislocated her leg, painful but not life threatening.

Everyone is quiet, her cousins rush to help her. Being the gracious future Luna that I am, I walk over and bend down. I turn her wolf so she is no longer laying on the dislocated leg, in one swift move I place her leg back in place, Gisella's wolf whimpers

"Good match" I say as I stand up and step back, giving Gisella's cousins a chance to check on her. Instead of shifting back she walks away with her cousin in her wolf form.

"Okay drill is over, you all are dismissed!" Medina yells and the trainees begin leaving the field.

"Are you Okay?"

"Yes, I am fine" I answer as he pulls me in for a kiss.

"I forgot how badass you could be," he smiles at me. I smile back but a part of me knows this is just the beginning and the next fight might not be so cute.

As we walk back to the pack house I smell a familiar scent. The scent grows stronger as we near the front of the house. A million thoughts race through my head before I can make sense of any of it , I watch as he turns around confused as he calls my name.

"Emerald Grace"

It is him...

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