Medina Territory

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Medina kissed my forehead, and a million butterflies danced in my stomach. The gentleness of his kiss calmed the primal pull, but still left the feeling that a million butterflies were dancing in my stomach. His kiss, touch, and scent all elicited a response from my body, a body I obviously couldn't control when he was around. . Medina's presence was the peace that I'd been seeking all along.

In comfortable silence, we held each other

"I promise, my Gem, it will be worth the wait," Medina spoke to me as I began to get off his lap. I realized I needed to release this energy and thought now would be a good time for Jade to go for a run.

."Babe, what are you doing?"

"Letting Jade out for a run so I can burn this extra energy, you and King care to join us?' I asked with a flirty smile. Before I could make it out the door, Medina had removed his clothes and was opening the door before I could make it out the door. Outside, I raised my arms towards the moon twirling as Jade and traded places. Medina watched and then Jade stood before him.

Medina took in her beauty that was hard to miss as she stood under the moon's light.

Soon, King joined her, and the night continued as they ran freely through the mountainside.

I can do this for the rest of my life , that's what I thought as I woke up to the eyes of Medina. He pulled me close to him and kissed me . "Good Morning"

Instinctively my body adjusted, I fit perfectly in his embrace. I murmured Good morning pressing my face into the firmness of his chest.

"Are you up to visiting my parents and meeting my pack?"

Technically I knew The Medina Pack. Several Packs lived on the mountain and interacted daily. But going to meet them as Medinas Mate was a different story. Realistically it would have to happen, and being the type to face things head-on, I replied with a firm "Yes"

My response made Medina smile. He knew that his family loved me and had since we were cubs. I spent all of grade school spending time with Medina and his parents running around his pack house and him around mine. We were best friends, the three of us Diamond, Him and I. It's funny how things changed, no it's sad. It's sad that things changed and I spent so much time miserable. I need to stop this train of though or else it will put me in a fucked up mood.

I don't know how the rest of the pack will react to the grown up version of me but at least his parents approved of me. Medinas' dad, Alpha Daniel had always been impressed by my manners, academics and discipline when it came to alpha training . And Luna Lorena made no secret that she thought I was beautiful, intelligent, respectful, and precisely what her son needed. Her exact words since second grade were "they were a match made by Selene herself. "

A match made by Selene maybe but for sure Medina and I together as mates will bring about many changes. By accepting each other as mates we would be joining two of the largest and strongest packs on the mountain. With this in mind, there would need to be meetings and discussions to set guidelines about how the change would take place.

The first step was for each of them to familiarize themselves with the other pack and how things were done. Easy enough, our parents were good friends and we each spent time at the other's pack as children. It would be an easy process.

Although their joining should be seamless, some were only a few percent in favor of the unification of the families. Some feared that the harmonious balance of the mountain would be disrupted by two families having so much pull and control. Emerald and Medina agreed that all decisions would be made carefully and with both packs in mind.

The ride to the Medina territory was short as they lived west of the Kinsella territory and were only separated by twenty miles of un touched forest. Arriving in front of the Medina Packhouse, a familiar anxiety threatened Emerald's resolve to meet the pack. Gisella was a part of this pack, as were some girls who had made High school miserable for Emerald. The anxiety disappeared with the appearance of Medina's parents, Luna Lorena and Alpha Daniel.

"Emerald," Medina's parents stood outside of the car with arms open wide to greet her.

Medina smiled as he helped Emerald out of his Jeep.

"Hello," Emerald responded with a brilliant smile. Stepping forward Luna Lorena embraced Emerald in a tight hug. Hugging Luna Lorena back brought memories flooding Emeralds mind as she thought about how many times Luna Lorena had hugged her during her childhood.

Medina had thought about the moment when he found his mate and brought her home. He wondered how his parents would react. He brought his mate home to meet his parents. While they had been cordial to Gisella, the difference was noticeable. All those years that he and Gisella were in a relationship, his parents didn't encourage or discourage the relationship. They just secretly hoped he would discover his true mate. But watching his parents embrace Emerald he knew they loved her.

Medina removed Emerald from his parents embrace to hold her hand. The mate bond made it almost impossible to keep away from her, if she was around he needed to feel her close.

Looking at the young couple, his parents could see they were a fated pair. Emerald and Medina moved in sync, complemented each other, and it was evident for all to see the chemistry that exuded around them.

"Will you two be staying the night?" Luna Lorena asked as the group walked into the Packhouse.

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