The Soul Stone

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At Vormir Thanos and Gamora had just appeared outside a mountain.

"The stone had better be up there...For your sister's sake." Thanos said.

Inside the mountain they stood before a cloaked, faceless figure there to guard the way.

"Welcome, Thanos, son of Eros. Gamora, daughter of Thanos." Stonekeeper said.

"You know us?" Thanos said.

"It is my curse to know all who journey here."

"Where's the Soul Stone?"

"You should know...It extracts a terrible price."

"I am prepared."

"We all think that at first." Stonekeeper said and the figure glided farther out of the shadows revealing to be Red Skull. We are all wrong."

Soon Red Skull was leading Thanos and Gamora to an outside pinnacle.

"How is it you know this place so well?" Thanos asked.

"A lifetime ago, I, too, sought the stones. I even held one in my hand. But it cast me out, banished me here. Guiding others to a treasure I cannot possess." Red Skull said and they came to the edge of mountaintop, and stopped at the precipice. "What you seek lies before you. As does what you fear."

"What's this?"

"The price. Soul hold a special place among the Infinity Stones. You might say it has a certain wisdom."

"Tell me what it needs."

"To ensure that whoever possesses it... Understands its power... The stone demands a sacrifice."

"Of what?"

"In order to take the stone you must lose that which you love. A soul...For a soul."

Gamora started to laugh at the irony of the situation.

"All my life, I dreamed of a day...A moment when you would get what you deserved. And I was always so disappointed. But now...You kill and torture...And you call it mercy. The universe has judged you. You asked it for a prize, and it told you no. You failed. And do you wanna know why? Because you love nothing. No one." she said.

"No." Thanos said turning to face her with tears in his eyes.

"Really? Tears?"

"They're not for him." Red Skull said.

Gamora looked at him and realized what was about to happen.

"No. This isn't love." she said.

"I ignored my destiny once. I cannot do that again. Even for you. I'm sorry, little one." Thanos said and grabbed her by the arm and took her to the precipice.

"No!" she said and tried break from his grasp but he soon threw her over the side, and watched sorrowfully as she fell to her death.

A few seconds later Thanos was lying in water. He opened his hand and saw he now has the Soul Stone.

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