Times for a break

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Peter is now 18 weeks and still doing patrol.

He's on patrol right now when he felt his stomach tighten up and hurt.

"Ow!" he said and winced holding it.

A few seconds later it was done and he was rubbing his stomach.

"What was that? It hurt to much for labor." he said then remembered reading about faux contractions. "That's probably what they are."

Then he remembered when he told Harley he was pregnant Harley told him to tell him and stop being Spider-Man as soon as it starts.

"I can't stop. It's still pretty high with crimes so I can't stop. For now I'll just try and fight it. It's to light for a little of pain though." he said and heard someone screaming so got to work.

Later when he was at home he was making dinner for himself.

Harley is on a field trip somewhere and won't be back until tomorrow so he's on his own.

When he was done he headed to his room to do his homework.

As weeks went on crimes started slowing down a little.

He's now 21 weeks and at home while Harley is at school.

Then he felt a faux contraction go of and winced and held his stomach.

A few seconds later it was done and he took a breath.

"That was stronger than usual." he muttered.

Then he picked up his phone and called his midwife.

"Hello?" she said.

"Hi. It's Peter."

"Hi Peter. What can I do for you?"

"I started having faux contractions a few weeks ago and they're stronger than usual today. Is that normal?"

"It can happen. If it gets to much though come and I'll check it out."


"That it?"


"Alright, I'll see you next month."

"Bye." he said and hung up.

Then he sighed.

"At least they're not real contractions." he said.

During patrol he had a little trouble focusing now and then but was still able to do his job.

As the next few weeks went by Harley would see him wince now and then but would say it's just his back.

He wasn't sure if he should believe that but did anyway.

They had found out he's having a girl and already have a name for her.

Pepper had agreed to being her godmother and Happy agreed to be her godfather.

They were all excited and happy for them.

Soon Peter was 31 weeks and they were getting worse.

He had a lot of trouble hiding the pain now and had trouble on patrol and class.

He was on his last few weeks of school for the year and then would be going in his senior year.

He was at home on the couch with Harley fighting a contraction but having more trouble then usual. He was holding his hand in a fist to fight it right now.

When it was done he opened his hand again.

He had just finished patrol for the day and was on the couch with Harley.

Suddenly he felt another and groaned loud enough for Harley to hear.

"What's wrong?" he asked worried.

"Nothing!" Peter said fighting more pain.

Then he felt another and winced getting Harley to realize what's wrong.

"How long have they been going off?" he asked.

Peter looked at him.

"Since I was 18 weeks. But it was so light I just ignored it." he said. "Then I had more trouble at 21 weeks."

Harley nodded not happy.

"You're done until you have her." he said.

Peter opened his mouth but winced for a second.

"I can't stop! Crimes have been going higher than before!" he said when it stopped.

"I don't care! You can stay at the Industries but Spider-Man is done until you have her!"

Peter sighed but nodded.

"Fine. But I'm going back after I have her and fully healed." he said and Harley nodded.

"Deal." he said.

"Alright. Now go get ready for school and I'll make dinner." Peter said and Harley nodded.

Then he got ready for school while Peter made dinner.

He was worried about Queens now but knew it'd be the best.

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