Don't do this

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At a nightclub in the city of Tokyo, dead bodies of yakuza members were a hooded figure threw a shuriken at another yakuza member firing at him. They were shouting something in Japanese, as two more men come out of nowhere and draw out their UZIs.

"It's him! He's after Akihiko!" Thug #1 said.

Both thugs fired their SMGs as they got slain by a shuriken. A yakuza member wielding a katana charged at him in the stairs, but was immediately overthrown and slain by the Ronin. Ronin then fought another sword-wielding thug, which was thrown outside the glass, killing him. Two more buildings as the fighting ensued with different screams, shouts, more havoc inside, and gunfire. A man in a dark raincoat jumped through the glass window, with the Ronin doing the same, as both of them landed in a dark alleyway. The man in the raincoat turned to the Ronin, who just landed after him. It was Akihiko, the leader of a yakuza gang, whose head being hunted by the Ronin himself.

"Why are you doing this? We never did anything to you!" Akihiko said.

"You survived... Half of the planet didn't. They got Thanos... you get me." Ronin said and they both side engaged in combat as Ronin pierced his stomach, but doing only minor damage to him. "You're done hurting people."

"WE hurt people? You're crazy!" Akihiko said and charged, which Ronin immediately blocked.

Both clang swords for two seconds, seeming that the yakuza leader has the upper hand, but Ronin punched him in the face, and sword-pointed him to his throat, in which Akihiko was temporarily petrified.

Then he lowered down his sword as if he was about to surrender, but charged again at Ronin. Both swords clashed as Ronin sliced his stomach, losing stamina, but gaining more strength from his rage.

"DIE!" Akihiko said and they draw their katanas and the sword-fight continued.

Ronin was clearly a better fighter, but Akihiko was also quite experienced. They clang swords, and for a second, it looked like Akihiko had the upper hand swinging at Ronin's neck. Ronin, however, ducked and slid under the katana, and sliced Akihiko in the stomach as he slid past. Akihiko, now fatally injured, dropped his katana.

"Wait! Help me! I'll give you anything! What do you want?" Akihiko said.

"What I want... You can't give me."" Ronin said raising his katana.

Then he thrust the blade downwards into Akihiko's stomach. The body of the Japanese fell to the ground. Ronin grabbed the sword, and wiped it on his gauntlet, ridding it of the blood of Akihiko. He noticed someone behind him, and grabbed his mask, and slid it off his head, revealing himself as Clint Barton, who had gone on a rampage since the decimation. He turned around and looked at Natasha, standing behind him, holding an umbrella, and in casual clothes.

"You shouldn't be here." he said.

"Neither should you." Natasha said.

"I've got a job to do."

"Is that what you're calling this? Killing all these people isn't gonna bring your family back." she said and he started looking emotional, on the verge of crying. "We found something. A chance, maybe..."

"Don't..." he said openly crying.

"Don't what?"

"...don't give me hope."

"I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner."

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