What would you do without me?

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The next day Bruce, Steve, Scott and Natasha are in a lab in the Avengers Compound. Bruce fiddling with buttons on a panel, Scott was in his Ant-Man costume in front of his van, with the back open to show the Quantum Tunnel and Nat and Steve were beside Bruce.

"Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one. Scott, fire up the uhhh... the van thing." Bruce said and Scott opened the portal.

"Breakers are set, emergency generators are on standby." Steve said.

"Good. 'Cause if we blow the grid, I don't wanna lose Tiny here in the 1950's." Bruce said and Scott, Natasha and Steve gave him a panicked look.

"Excuse me?" Scott said.

"He's kidding." Natasha said. "You can't say things like that!" she said to Bruce in a hushed voice.

"Just... It was a bad joke." Bruce said.

"You were kidding, right?"

"I have no idea. We're talking about time travel here. Either it's all a joke, or none of it is." he whispered to her. "We're good! Get your helmet on, Scott. I'm gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Makes sense?" he asked loudly and gave Scott a thumbs up.

"Perfectly not confusing." Scott said.

"Good luck, Scott. You got this." Steve said.

"You're right. I do, Captain America."

Then Bruce pressed a button, and Scott disappeared into the Quantum Tunnel.

"On the count of three. 3... 2... 1!" Bruce said and pressed a button, and someone in the Ant-Man suit came back.

A teenager in appeared out of it.

"Uh, guys? This...this doesn't feel right." Teen Scott said.

"What is this?" Steve asked.

"What's going on?" Bruce asked.

"That...who is that?" Natasha asked.

Then Bruce pushed another couple of buttons, trying to fix the problem.

"Hold on." he said panicking.

"Is that Scott?" Natasha asked.

"Yes, it's Scott!" Teen Scott said and got sucked in back into the quantum tunnel, and it appeared to be an old man in the Ant-Man suit. "Ow! My back!"

"What is this?" Steve asked.

"Can I get a little space here." Bruce said.

"Yeah yeah. Can you bring him back?"

"I'm working on it!" Bruce said tapping the side of the button pad, trying to pull back Scott.

After a moment, another person appears in front of them. This time, it's a baby in the Ant-Man suit.

"It's a baby." Steve said.

"It's Scott." Bruce said.

"As a baby!"

"He'll grow."

"Bring Scott back!"

"When I say kill the power, kill the power." Bruce said motioning Natasha.

"Oh my god." Natasha said and rapidly walked near to the generator.

"And... Kill it!"

Then Natasha pulled down a lever, and everything shut down. Scott, the normal Scott, got spewed back out again.

"Somebody peed my pants." he said.

"Oh thank god." Natasha said.

"But I don't know if it was "baby" me or "old" me...Or just "me" me."

"Time travel!" Bruce said and held up his his hands in a dramatic way but Steve said nothing, shook his head and walked away. "What? I.. I see this as an absolute win!"

At the cabin Peter was throwing up.

He knew what was wrong but hadn't told anyone."

Then he took a deep breath and got up and ready for something to do.

The next day Steve was sitting outside the Avengers Compound, staring at the floor, deep in thought. He looked beat, the only possibility of victory now not an opportunity. Then he looked up as a deafening noise broke the silence in the distance. As he looked, he saw an Audi R8 speeding towards the entrance. Then it pulled over to him, but went a bit too far, then reversed to him and Peter rolled down the window and look at him.

"Let me guess: He turned into a baby." Peter said.

"Among other things, yeah. What are you doing here?" Steve said.

Then Peter got out of the car, and walked around to the back.

"That's the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. It's tricky. Dangerous. Somebody should've cautioned you against it." Peter said ignoring his question.

"You did."

"Oh, did I?" Peter said. "Thank God I'm here. Regardless, I fixed it." Peter said acting like he didn't. "A fully functioning Time-Space GPS. I just want peace." he said and held up his hand with something on it. "Turns out, resentment is corrosive, and I hate it."

"Me too."

"We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities: Bring back what we lost? I hope, yes. Keep what I got? I have to, at all costs. And... maybe not die trying will be nice."

"Sounds like a deal." Steve said and reached out his hand to shake in the deal, in which Peter did same way.

Then Peter reached back into his trunk to pull Steve's shield. Then he l gave it to Steve, who hesitated.


"Why? He made it for you." Peter said. "Plus, honestly I have to get it out of the garage before May takes it sledding."

Then Steve fit his arm into the shield.

"Thank you, Peter." he said.

"Will you keep that a little quiet? Didn't bring one for the whole team." Peter asked and hesitated. "...We are getting the whole team, yeah?"

"We're working on that right now."

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