Chapter 34

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~Six in the morning~

I woke up to noises coming from downstairs,i though it was the wind so i just closed my eyes again and cuddled myself closer to Harry's body on the bed.


A few minutes later i heard the door of my bedroom open ad voices whispering to each other,i didn't hear what they were saying but they sounded happy.They seemed familiar.

All of sudden the lights were turned on and i pulled the covers over me as quick as i could,i was to tired to see who it was it was probably just Zoe and Louis or something.

"Mum? Dad?"Harry says jumping away from me and sitting up on the bed rubbing his eyes.What! were they back?They said the weather was to bad and they couldn't fly home for at least 2 days.

I look up from the covers and see our parents standing over us with a smile. "Surprise"They all yell making me and Harry cover our ears,we just woke up for gods sakes.

"I-I thought you said you were stuck in Paris for a few more days"Harry says confused.

"No we found a plane that went back to London before the weather starts,So we went with that plane last night and drove for 3 hours to get back here"His dad smiles.

"But what are you guys doing in bed together?And with almost no clothes on?"My mum asks looking at us,I totally forgot we were in bed together and it looked like we were doing somethin else.

"And what is that purple mark on your neck Emma?"Anne asks pointing at my neck,Oh no,the hickey Harry made the other day,i thought it was gone.I always hide it with make up.

Did Harry make a new one last night.D.amn it Harry i thought the other one was gone,I didn't want a new one.

"I-It's not what it looks like"Harry says with wide eyes. "It was hot last night so we took our clothes off,and we fell asleep in the same bed because we were watching youtube videos all night"

"Y-Yeah and i dropped my book on my face because i was tired and the corner of the book went into my neck"I explain,i panicked okay i didn't know what to say.

"Okay whatever you say"They laugh. Please believe this! I think to myself.

"Do you want to come downstairs and see what we bought for you guys?"My dad asks.

"Yeah give us a minute to get dressed,what time is it"I yawn and lay my head back on the pillow.

"Six in the morning"

"Six"Harry says with wide eyes. "No i'm going back to sleep"He says and lays down next to me.

"Alright we'll let you sleep for a few more hours"They laugh walking out,turning the lights back off.

When we were sure they were gone we cuddle into each others arms again.


"How was Paris?"I ask taking a sip from my water. "It was amazing"

They all smiled.

Me and Harry sat on the couch while they sat on the other one opposite of us.

"So did you bring us anything"Harry says running his hand through his hair,he was still really tired,you could tell.

"Yeah we both got you this"They handed me and Harry 2 boxes that were wrapped in wrapping paper. "Open it"They smiled.

We both open the present and our eyes go wide. "Thank you"Harry says and stands up hugging both his parents at the same time. "Thank you so much"I smile and stand up and give mine a hug.

They gave us a freaking iPad,I got a white one and Harry got a black one.The only reason they probably gave this to us is because we have been begging them to get us one for ages.

"We got you this on one condition"My dad said pointing his finger at us. "You'll use these for school,not to hang on it all day playing some games okay?"

"Yeah"Me and Harry say looking at each other.

They both handed us a few bags that were full of clothes and other things. "We'll be in the kitchen making you breakfest"Anne smiled.

"That was close this morning"He awkwardly laughed. "It was,when should we tell them?"I ask opening up a bag from H&M.I take out the clothes and look through them.

They did get us a lot,and i'm thankful for that.Even though i wanted to go with them,i wouldn't have done all the fun things i did with Harry.

"I don't care when,what about you?"He asks opening a bag and taking out some kind of aftershave or a cologne.

"I want to tell them but not yet,let's wait for a few more days"I say,he just nods.

We look through the stuff they got us for a few more wasn't as much as it looked like.There were just so many bags,but i still liked all the stuff i got.

"Breakfest is ready"Anne calls from the kitchen.

"What did you guys do when we were away?"Harry's dad asked as they all took a seat at the table.

"Ugh....Nothing really"Harry said awkawrdly looking down at the floor.

"Are you sure,you guys seemed like you were doing something last night"My mum said raising her eyebrow at us.Me and Harry exchange looks.

"No we were just tired after prom and decided to watch some funny videos on youtube and then we fell asleep"Harry says not making eye contact with any of them.

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