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I turned my head as I heard my father walking in. "Morning, father." I smile warmly at him. He only grunts. That was his usual good morning to me. After I finished cooking breakfast, I held two plates in my hands. I heard my mother's heels clicking on the floor as she walked into the room. Her face was full of makeup and her lips always red as usual. Her long blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail. "Good morning, mother. I made breakfast." I smile. "It's way too early to be cheerful, brat. I have to be working these early hours because of you." She spat. She then hits my father with a harsh slap behind his head. "Get up, fata**! We'll be late!" She sneers at him. Father stood up with no expression on his face. "You're not eating breakfast?" I ask. "I don't want anything from you." Mother says before shutting the door behind her. 

Even if the dim light from the kitchen was on, the room felt dark. I took a deep breath and shook my head. "I'm going to be late for school! I can't ruin my perfect attendance." I giggle to myself as I quickly ate the breakfast that I made. 

/ / / /

I made my way to my class and sat at my desk. As I was setting my notebook down on my desk, my school crush walked in. "Morning, guys!" He smiles as he greets his group of friends. "Morning, Genji!" His friends smiled back. Genji is a fun, funny, and confident guy. He likes all different types of sweets, he likes video games, comic books, and mangas, and likes the same type of music as me. We almost have everything in common. . .almost. Genji is all kinds of popular in school and a big thing that he's known for is that he's dating Nina. Nina is the most popular girl in school due to how rich she is. She has the complete opposite likes from Genji. She has a mean personality. Also, she doesn't like me very much. 

Even if he is taken, my heart can't help but swoon over him. For the past year, he has at least talked to me or looked at me five times. I know it's silly to count how many times your crush has noticed you, but I don't think I've fallen this hard for someone. I almost jumped out of my seat as the last warning bell rang. I shook my head and focused on my schoolwork. Now isn't the time to fantasize over a boy, you'll have that moment when you have a stable job and place to live. 

- - -

I got up from my desk as the dismissal bell rang. I packed up my items and was about to head out when I saw something on Genji's desk. It was his pen. No one was in the room except me. I grabbed his pen and exited the classroom. I saw him walking with two of his friends. I felt my stomach tighten with anxiety. Was I really going to go up to him? How would I get his attention? Will he even thank me? I shook away my fears and walked closer to him. Hesitantly, I tapped his shoulder, which gained his immediate attention. "Y-You left t-t-this." I stuttered out as I handed him his pen back. "Oh, thanks," he said with a smile. I felt my heart flutter. "B-Bye-bye!" I turned to walk away, but I walked into a wall. "Are you okay?!" He asks in worry. I wave it off and felt my face heat up in embarrassment. Way to go, (Y/n)! Making a fool of yourself in front of your crush! "I-I'm f-fine!" I squeaked before running down the stairs. To which I tripped and fell on the way down. "I-I-I'm f-fine!" I quickly ran away despite my body being in pain when I got up. 

I went to the music room to hide from my embarrassment. The music room is where I usually come to when I have nowhere to go. It was old and abandoned ever since the new music room was done. Along with the old piano that seems to work just fine like a fiddle. I lifted the white sheet and gently ran my fingers over the keys. I knew how to play, thanks to the old music teacher. She taught me how to play and sing back when I was in music class. That was a year ago. . .sadly, she died in the middle of the school year. To be honest, she was my only friend in school and made me feel like I belonged. 

/ / /

I visited her grave often to pay my respects, though if she were alive, she would lecture me about quitting music. Even if she was my only friend, I still have Kei. Kei isn't human, to say the least. He's just an ordinary stray black cat. I found him one day while I was walking home from school. He got caught in some kind of catfight and got injured. When I tried to get near him, he would hiss or back away. Still, I didn't give up on trying to help him. Eventually, he let me help him and I gave him some food and water. He gnawed on my hand as a thank you. Kei is a weird cat. I tried to give him other names before Kei, but he hissed at all of them. Maybe his owner call him Kei before he was all on his own. Kei likes to bite sometimes, which I didn't mind. He's a weird cat after all. 

"Kei, I thought I told you to stop getting into fights." I pout as he looked ruffled up. He ignored my words as he ate and drank the offerings I gave him. I sigh and looked at the fountain in front of us. "Lavender's blue, Dilly dilly, Lavender's green." I started to sing. "When I am King, Dilly dilly, You shall be Queen." I smile as I sang. I felt Kei jump on my skirt and cling to me. I smile and carried him. "Who told you so, Dilly dilly, Who told you so?" I sang as I looked into his eyes. "T'was my own heart, Dilly dilly, That told me so." I felt his little paw touch my nose. I carried him and we walked out of the park. I decided to take a shortcut since it was getting dark. 

"Lavender's green, Dilly dilly, Lavender's blue." I continued to sing. "If you love me, Dilly dilly, I will love-" I stopped singing as I smelt something metallic. My eyes widen in fear as I saw two dead bodies of two fully grown men. Before I could scream in terror, I felt someone cover my mouth. "Hush now, little songbird. Don't get yourself killed now." A man says next to my ear. I began to cry as I saw a few blood spots on his face. My body felt paralyzed. Millions of questions flooded my brain. Was he going to kill me?! Am I going to die?! Will anyone find me?! Will anyone else show up?! Why did I have to take a shortcut?! Just then Kei scratched the male's hand, before jumping down and running away. The man yelped in pain and pulled his hand away. Without thinking, my feet began to move and I was running away from this man. 

"Get back here!" He shouts. My heart was beating out of my chest and my ear drums began to pound. Home! I need to go back home! I'll be safe! I'll call the police and be safe! I found hope as I saw street lights and heard people talking. I'm going to be okay! I'm going to-Someone from the shadows pulled the back of my shirt. I felt their strong arms wrap around me and they put their hand over my mouth to prevent any noise from coming out. "Caught you." My eyes weld with tears as the light from buildings, cars, and street lamps were fading from view. 








"Help. . ."

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