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"You're a f*cking creep," Daku said as he looked at Genji. "Am not!" Genji retorts. "Stop! It's too early for this." (Y/n) sighs heavily. It was the next day after Daku's and Genji's fight. Daku wanted to visit (Y/n) so they could practice more together. Genji followed Daku to her home, so he could apologize to her and hoped to hang out more with her outside of school. "Ne, what's going on over here?" Takeomi asks as he comes up from behind (Y/n). He stares at the two males with a slight glare. "Daku wanted to come over for practice, however, I didn't know that Genji was tagging along." (Y/n) informs the older male. Takeomi hums but doesn't take his eyes off the two males. (Y/n) invited the two teens inside and told them to wait, while she went to change out of her pajamas. Genji felt nervous under Takeomi's gaze since he was a new guest at the Bonten residence. 

"Daku-Kun, come to practice again?" Koko asks the young male. "Yes." Daku simply answered. "And you are?" Koko asks Genji. "Hamada Genji, sir. I'm a friend of Kitten. I wanted to apologize to her for my girlfriend's actions towards her." Genji smiles nervously. "Seems a bit much to get a giant bouquet for an apology." Rindo intervenes in the conversation. "Every man should know that Kitten deserves even the biggest apology gifts. Even if the problem was so small." Ran hums. "Though if they don't apologize, they get a bigger punishment." Ran gives an icy stare at both males. Both teens gulped at his stare. "Uncle, don't intimate them." (Y/n) sighs heavily as she tries to push Ran away. Though, Ran barely moved an inch. Instead, he wrapped his arms around her. "You know I'm just looking out for you, Princess!" Ran laughs as he pulls her closer to his chest. "U-Uncle! A-Air!" (Y/n) shouts as she hit his back. Rindo pulled her out of Ran's grip and fixed her hair a bit. Daku and Genji couldn't help but give a small chuckle when seeing her blush with embarrassment. (Y/n) pouts at the two males. "Oi, don't laugh at me!" She sends a punch to their arms. Daku had taken no effect to it, while Genji slightly hissed at the pain she delivered. 

"So mean, even after going through the trouble of getting you flowers." Genji fakes a whine while handing out the flowers to her. (Y/n) blushes again and grabbed the flowers. "T-Thank you. . ." She stutters a bit. Daku didn't like the look Genji was giving her or the situation. "Alright, you apologized, now get out," Daku said as he began to shove Genji out of the home. "You don't live here, so it isn't your choice to kick me out. If Kitten wants me to stay then I'll stay until she tells me to leave." Genji retorts. The two glared at each other until both of them got kicked in the leg. "I'll kick you both out if you two keep fighting." (Y/n) was already getting tired of them being like this. "S-Sorry/ Sorry." Both males said. Bonten chuckled seeing that (Y/n) blindly has these two wrapped around her fingers. She sighs heavily before grabbing their wrists. "We'll be in the guest room." She says to her parental figures before leaving the room while dragging the two males. 

- - -

After a few moments of practicing, Genji couldn't help but be honest that these two were a perfect duet. Though he hated the way how they looked at each other. Those eyes held a loving daze and made them get closer to each other's faces. "H-Hey, let's go hit an arcade. I heard they restocked some cool prizes in the claw machines." Genji says. Daku frowned at Genji for being the third wheel. "That sounds fun, right, Daku?" (Y/n) asks as she looks at the taller male. "If you want to go then we can go." Daku hums as he looks at (Y/n). She got up in excitement. "I'll go get my purse. I'll meet you two at the door." She smiles before running off to get her bag. 

Once she left, Genji and Daku went back to having a tense aura around them. Before either of them could make a move, Sanzu clears his throat to be known. Both teens froze a bit under his gaze. Genji nervously chuckles and began to walk to the entrance door. Daku just looked away and followed Genji. (Y/n) came down the stairs where Bonten and her two friends were waiting. "You all going out as well?" She asks. "Yes, we'll be gone for a while. You'll probably be home before us." Mikey said as he put on his coat. "Okay, be safe." (Y/n) hums as she kissed them on the cheek and a hug. "Have fun." Sanzu smiles as he pats her head. His look changed as he looked at Genji and Daku. "Bring her home safely. If so much of a scratch on her. . .I'll gut you both." Sanzu warns. "Yes/ Y-Yes, sir!" Daku and Genji said in unison. Her family is scary. . .Genji sweat drops. 

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