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Genji packed his bag and was about to head out as the band got another successful gig. "Off again, Genji?" He stopped in his tracks as his father spoke to him. "Yeah. We got another place to play at." Genji replies. "I see. It seems that your band has grown in popularity. Well. . .more like she has grown more in popularity." His father said as he pulled up photos or videos of (Y/n) from some social media platform. It was true, (Y/n) was gaining more attention and the band couldn't help but accept the fact. She was their main star. "She may start making money if she signs the right contract." Genji glares at his father. His father does own a popular music/studio company as a cover from his Yakuza business. Though he couldn't allow (Y/n) to be tainted by his father's company. "She's not going to join your company," Genji states. His father sighs heavily before standing up. Genji froze a little as his father put his hands on his shoulders. "Look at this from a different point of view. If you keep writing songs for her to sing, then she'll gain more popularity. The more popularity she has, the more people want her to sign their contracts. If she signs mine, then you two will be closer than ever. You have feelings for her, right? Don't you want her to be yours and only yours? Marry her for all I care. Unless you want her to end up like your mother. Bonten won't last long as Mikey's mental state is still withering him away. Without Mikey, there is no Bonten. And with no Bonten, who's going to protect her when things get out of hand?" He asks. Genji pushed his father away. "We're not like you! And she won't end up like mom either!" Genji shouts. He quickly walks out the door before his father could say another word. 

"Ne, I think (Y/n)-Chan has a crush on you." Genji's mother smiles as she looked down at Genji. Genji looked over to the said girl, but she shyly looks away. He also blushed and looked away. Genji did find her pretty, but he wasn't the only one who thought that. Genji looked across the room and saw Daku staring at (Y/n). Daku turned away as he felt Genji's stare. Giving his friend a small smile before looking away. Despite how messed up their families are, they still stayed as friends. However, it began to crumble after their mother died. 

"Let's eat some ice cream later." Genji looks up as he saw (Y/n) with Daku. "Sure." Daku chuckles as he looked down at her. Genji saw that they were holding hands and he felt jealousy in the pit of his stomach. (Y/n) turned her head and smiled as she spotted Genji. "Genji, come join us to get ice cream later!" (Y/n) smiles as she went to hug his arm. Genji began to blush at how close she was to him. "If Daku is okay with it," Genji says as he looked at his former friend. Daku raised a brow before shrugging. "As long as you're paying then I don't care," Daku replies. The two knew that they needed to tone down the tension between them. . .for (Y/n)'s sake. "Yo, we're on in three minutes," Izumi says as she came out to grab (Y/n) and Genji. "See you after the show, Daku!" (Y/n) says before being dragged away. 

Daku smiles before standing there for a moment. He sighs heavily before grabbing a small box from his pocket. "Him and his sh*tty truce." Daku sighs as he looks inside a box. In there was a beautiful diamond necklace. "Can't do nothing when he's around." He grumbles before putting the box back in his pocket and walking inside the building. 


"Was I okay? I felt my voice getting a bit scratchy at the end." (Y/n) said as she massages her neck. "You did great. If you need a break from singing then that's okay. We don't want you to be pushing it." Genji smiles at her. Daku nods in agreement. "That's good to hear. Hey, we should-" (Y/n) was cut off as someone cried for help. "Help! They took my bag!" A woman cried. They were delinquents. Three of them are around the age of a high schooler. Daku and Genji were going to help, but froze as (Y/n) sent a nuclear kick to one of them. Making the guy kiss the ground with his face. "What the hell?!" The second delinquent shouts as he tried to stop running. That was his first mistake since (Y/n) sent a deadly backhand punch to his face, which broke his nose and knocked him out. "You b*tch!" the third one pulled out a knife and charged at her. "Kitten!" Daku and Genji shouted as they ran to protect her. However, (Y/n) successfully dodged the attack and grabbed the guy's arm. She then broke his arm which made him scream. "There's that beautiful sound!" She smiles as she recites Rindo's sadistic words. She then sent a powerful blow to the guy's stomach which made him fly back a bit. 

She then walks over to the first guy she knocked out and took the purse from his hands. He yelped as she stepped on his crotch and passed out again. "Here you go, ma'am." (Y/n) smiles as she hands the purse back. "T-Thank you." The woman replies that she was a bit afraid of (Y/n)'s strength. (Y/n) hums before walking back to Daku and Genji, who had their jaws hanging open. "Close your mouths. You might let bugs fly in." (Y/n) says as she lifts their jaws to close their mouths. Both males blush heavily at her action and her strength. She then links her arms with theirs and hums happily. "Anyway, I was thinking we should have a sleepover this weekend. We can get some snacks, buy movies, or play video games. Doesn't that sound fun?" She suggests. Both males began to dream up a fantasy of just seeing her in some sort of short silk pajamas. "Yeah." Both males agree. The three then began to plan what items they needed to get and what food to order beforehand. 

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