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"What are you looking at? You wanna fight?" Sanzu frowns down at Kei. Kei only hissed at the man and was getting ready to pounce. "Papa, don't be mean to Kei." (Y/n) said as she picks up her cat. "Why are you lecturing me? He's the one who hissed at me." Sanzu pouts. "Kei will get his punishment." Kei meowed loudly at (Y/n) before jumping out of her arms. He then went over to Mikey. "You can't hide behind him forever." (Y/n) frowns down at the cat. Kei ignored her and stayed behind Mikey. 

It has been three days since Kei moved into the Bonten home. The first person he would go to was Mikey. He hates Sanzu the most out of everyone. Mikey didn't mind Kei being around him, he found comfort in the cat. "Anyway, we have some exciting things planned out for today." Ran smiles as he hugs (Y/n) from behind. "Oh, like what?" (Y/n) asks as she looks up at him. "We're going to a private event pool area! It feels so long since we've spent time as a family. You hanging out with those boys made us feel forgotten." Ran fakes a whine as he pulls (Y/n) closer. "U-Uncle, can't breath!" (Y/n) frantically patted his arms. Rindo saved the poor girl from her Uncle's strong love for her. "There will be a few others at the pool, but we'll mostly have it to ourselves. Now go get ready and pack the things you need." Koko hums as he patted her head. (Y/n) nods and excitedly went to go change. 

/ / / /

"Wow! It's so big!" (Y/n) says in amazement. There were many slides and diving boards near the giant pool. (Y/n) immediately wanted to go jump in, but Kakucho stopped her. "Sunscreen first, missy." He told her. "Okay." She sighs. They all begin to undress and reveal their water clothes. "Want me to put sunscreen on you, Princess?" Ran asks. "You're being weird again, Uncle Ran." (Y/n) says as she eyes him down. Sanzu glared at Ran. "I'll drown you in the f*cking pool if you keep looking at her like that, you creep." Sanzu threatens Ran. "And I'll help him, Aniki." Rindo joins in as he glares at Ran. [Ran: Haha, I'm in danger!] [Ran still has good intentions and would never be like that to (Y/n). He views her as a niece still.]

"Pool time!" (Y/n) cheers as she jumps into the water. Ran and Rindo followed behind and cannonballed in. Sanzu and Takeomi also cannonballed in and made a big splash. "Suck it losers!" Sanzu laughs as he thought they had a bigger splash. "Pathetic." Mocchi scoffs. (Y/n) quickly swam away knowing what was coming. "Oh, sh*t!" The four males shouted as Mocchi jumped in. (Y/n) laughed from the distance as her papa and uncles were quickly submerged under the water. Koko, Mikey, and Kakucho stayed under the shade while (Y/n), Ran, Rindo, Sanzu, Takeomi, and Mocchi played in the pool. 

"Woohoo!" (Y/n) and Sanzu cheer as they went down the two-person slide together. It got them both laughing in the end. Everything was starting to look so fun until. . ." You must not want to be paid if you keep getting my order wrong!" (Y/n)'s eyes widen as she heard that voice. That voice she dreaded to hear every single day of school. "I-I'm sorry, I'll fix it right up for you!" the poor waiter said. (Y/n) quickly hid behind Rindo. "What's wrong, (Y/n)?" Rindo asks. Ran and Sanzu stopped 'wrestling' and looked over. "It's Nina. A bully from my school." (Y/n) whispers. The males immediately frown inwardly at the name. Along with seeing the she-devil's face. "Don't worry about her. Let's continue to have fun, yeah?" Rindo smile and moves her away from Nina's view. (Y/n) smiles and nods as they swam back to where they started. "(Y/n), don't forget to hydrate," Mikey told her. (Y/n) nods and gets out of the pool and took a moment to take a sip of her water. 

"Father, you should join us in the water. It feels great in there." (Y/n) smiles. Mikey smiles and sat up. "Maybe I will." Mikey and the other two that were resting under the shade joined in on the fun. "I'll be right back. I have to go to the lady's room." (Y/n) excuses herself. "We'll be here, Princess," Sanzu tells her to which she replied with an okay. (Y/n) found her way to the bathroom and quickly came out as she didn't want to make her guardians wait long and worry for her. As she walked out, she accidentally bumped into someone. "O-Oh, I'm sorry." (Y/n) quickly apologized. "You should be." (Y/n)'s blood ran cold as she was face-to-face with Nina. "Oh, it's you." Nina glared at her. (Y/n) began to grow nervous at the death glare that Nina was giving her. "H-Hi, Nina." (Y/n) nervously smiles. 

"The hell are you doing here? I'm surprised that you can afford to be walking on this property." Nina scoffs. "Well, I'm here with my family. Just a small-" Nina cut her off. "I've seen you with my boyfriend." Nina suddenly says. "H-Huh?" "Don't 'huh?' me. You hung out with him last Wednesday. He's my boyfriend, got it? If I see you even bump shoulders with him, I'll make your life miserable, b*tch." Nina spat on (Y/n)'s face. "Nina, there's no need to be hostile. Genji and I are just friends, there's no need to feel threatened." (Y/n) tried to reason. (Y/n)'s eyes then widen as Nina slapped her. "Who the hell do you think you are to say that I'm threatened by someone like you?! Genji is mine! He loves me because I have everything! You're just a nobody girl that has no right to be in our school! You had no right to steal my spotlight!" Nina shouted. Before Nina could spit another word, a woman's voice was heard. "Nina, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" The woman frantically shouted. A man quickly follows and he looked pale as he saw the red mark on (Y/n)'s cheek. "Nina! How could you do that to her?!" the man shouted. "Why are you yelling at me?! She's a nobody!" Nina shouted. 

"Just what the hell is going on?" Mikey asks as he walks over. Bonten was right behind him as always. "Father. . ." (Y/n) turned her head and the Bonten gang's eyes widen seeing the red mark on her cheek. "Who the hell had the f*cking nerve to do this to my daughter?" Mikey's voice became low and dangerous as he stared holes into the man and woman. 

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